Aleksandra Konić Ristić, PhD, Scientific Associate


Institut for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Centre of Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism
Tadeuša Košćuška 1
11 000 Belgrade
Tel: 011 3031997
Personal home page:
Researcher unique identifiers: ResearchID, D-7634-2014; ORCID ID,


– DSc in Pharmacy (Food Science 2013) Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Thesis title: The impact of plant polyphenols on platelet activation and their aggregation with blood, malignant and endothelial cells (16/07/2013)
– MSc in Pharmacy (Food Science 2011) Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Thesis title: Investigation of dietary isothiocyanates of Brassicaceae family and their antiproliferative activity in vitro (07/11/2011)
– Graduate Degree in Pharmacy (2002) Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Thesis title: Homeopathy (4/07/2002)

Additional Training

– Technical meeting on the reporting of human studies submitted for the scientific substantiation of health claims, organized by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), 20th November, 2013, Parma, Italy
– Advanced Course on Flow Cytometry, organized by Becton Dickinson, 20-23th March, IMR. Belgrade
– Workshop “Education for Ethical Committees Members in Serbia” , 14th November, 2013, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia organized by UNESCO Chair for Bioethics-Serbian section
– Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Course, 30th June- 2nd July, 2011, Belgrade, Serbia, organized by Association of Clinical Research Professionals Serbia (ACRP)
– Workshop “Update in the Field of Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Diabetes and Atherosclerosis. Special Clinical Pharmacology”, 12-13th May, 2011, Belgrade, Serbia, organized within DAAD project “South East European Network – Metabolic syndrome”
– Capacity development: NCDNCEE and EURRECA training, 11-12th November, Belgrade, Serbia, 2009 Basefoods Food Indexing Training Course, 9-11th November, 2009, Belgrade, Serbia
– Training in Nutritional and Lifestyle Epidemiology, Evidence in Nutritional Research 9th Edition, 21-25th September, 2009, Wageningen, the Netherlands organized by the Graduate School VLAG in co-operation with the division of Human Nutrition of Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
– EuroFIR Course on “Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition”, 6-17th October, 2008, Bratislava, Slovak Republik, organized by Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen UR, the Netherlands, the VUP Food Research Institute, Slovak Republic in co-operation with European Food Information Resource Network
– Individual Workshop “Organization and Management of Interlaboratory Comparisons and Proficiency Testing Schemes”, 19-25th November 2007. Laboratori Agroalimentari, Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Action, Generalitat of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain (funded by European Agency for Reconstruction)
– Workshop “Publishing in Biomedicine”, 1-2nd April, 2005, Novi Sad, Center for Continual Education in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Novi Sad

Academic and professional appointments

01/07/2009 – present, Research Fellow, Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade. Financial support from: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia; 12 PM/year
01/03/2007 – 30/06/2009, Researcher, Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia and Institute for Medicinal Plant Research, Serbia. Financial support from: Ministry of Sci & Technol Devel of Serbia;
23/02/2007 – 30/06/2009, Teaching Assistant, Institute of Bromatology (Food Science), Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Financial support from: Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia
02/10/2002 – 22/02/2007, Teaching Associate, Institute of Bromatology (Food Science), Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Financial support from: Ministry of Edu of Serbia

Honors, awards and fellowships

– Session Chair, Fourth Congress of Food Supplements with international participation “Evidence based supplementation”, 24-25th October, 2013, Belgrade, Serbia.
– Best Research Oral Presentation, First Congress of Food Supplements with international participation, 15-17th March, 2007, Belgrade, Serbia
– Postgraduate Fellowship, (2002 – 2005), Ministry of Edu of Serbia
– Undergraduate Fellowship “For Promising Generation”, (2000), The Royal Norwegian Embassy, Belgrade, Serbia

Teaching experience

02/10/2002 – 30/06/2009 Topic: “Bromatology (Food Science)”, Laboratory Course, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade. Lessons: 60 hours.
02/10/2002 – 30/06/2009 Topic: “Food Safety”, Laboratory Course, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade. Lessons: 60 hours.
02/10/2002 – 30/06/2009 – involved in more than 20 final Master of Pharmacy Theses at the Institute of Bromatology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade (directly working with the candidates and member of the committee)
02/10/2009 – present – supervising a part of experimental work of two defended PhD theses (acknowledged); supervising experimental aspect of two ongoing PhD projects

1. Cerović-Radusinović A, Đuričić I, Vidović B, Slavković J, Konić-Ristić A. (2007). Bromatology Workbook -VII Semester. Faculty of Pharmacy, Belgrade, ISBN: 978-86-80263-45-8.
2. Cerović-Radusinović A, Đuričić I, Konić-Ristić A, Slavković J, Vidović B. (2007). Bromatology Workbook -VIII Semester. Faculty of Pharmacy, Belgrade, ISBN: 978-86-80263-47-2.

Scientific Experience

International projects

EC funded projects

– FP7: “Bacchus- Beneficial effects of dietary bioactive peptides and polyphenols on cardiovascular health in humans” (2011 – 2015), coordinated by Institute of Food Research, Norwich
– FP7: “BaSeFood- Sustainable exploitation of bioactive components from the Black Sea Area traditional foods” (2009 – 2012), coordinated by University of Bologna
– COST Action:” Interindividual variation in response to consumption of plant food bioactives and determinants involved (POSITIVe)” (2014-2018), coordinated by INRA, France – national coordinator and member of Managing Committee of the Action
– COST Action: “Improving health properties of food by sharing our knowledge on the digestive process (Infogest)” (2011-2015), coordinated by INRA, France
Bilateral Collaborations
– Bilateral Collaboration Serbia-France “Pavle Savić”: “Identification of cellular and molecular targets of plant bioactives on human blood cells: clinical and in-vitro studies” (IMR-INRA); (2012-2013)

National projects
– Biological mechanisms, dietary intake and status of polyunsaturated fatty acids and folates: Improvement of nutrition in Serbia; funded by the Ministry of Educ, Sci & Technol Devel of the Republic of Serbia (MNTRS), No. 46030, 2011-2014 (PI: Dr. Maria Glibetić).
– Traditional and new food products based on different varieties of cultivated and wild friuts, grapes and by-products with focus on indigenous varieties: chemical characterization and biological profile; funded by MNTRS, No. 46013, 2011-2014 (PI: Dr. Katarina Šavikin).
– Development of novel therapeutic procedures in liver disease prevention and therapy – role and mechanism of polyunsaturated fatty acids; funded by MNTRS, No. 145071, 2006-2010 (PI: Dr. Maria Glibetić).
– Herbal products in chronic non-communicable diseases prevention and therapy; funded by MNTRS, No. 20045, 2006-2010 (PI: Dr. Katarina Šavikin)
– Biological response modifiers in physiological conditions and pathological states; funded by MNTRS, No. 145006, 2006-2010 (PI: Dr. Zorica Juranić)
– Bioactive molecules in oncology; funded by MNTRS, No. 1614, 2001-2005 (PI: Dr. Zorica Juranić)

Human studies (protocols)
Epidemiological studies
Self-assessment of adverse reactions to food and determinants involved, Co-Principal Investigator, 2000 subjects, started in June 2014.
Clinical trials
1. Beneficial effects of chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) juice and dietary polyphenols on platelet activity and other other risk factors of cardiovascular disease; Co-Investigator; started on November 2013; 100 subjects
2. Effect of traditional dietary plants of Black Sea region on platelet function and other risk factors of cardio-vascular disease; Co-Investigator; April 2011-October 2012; 107 subjects
3. Effects of berry fruits on platelet function, parameters of oxidative stress and antioxidative defense, and serum and salivary immunoglobulin levels; Principal Investigator; January 2012 – March 2013; 30 subjects
4. Effects of aronia juice consumption on cellulite type 2 (Nunberger-Muller scale); Co-Investigator; February-May 2013; 30 subjects


Registered as a Clinical Research Professional at the Serbian Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP), member of the international ACRP– holds Good Clinical Practice (GCP) certificate (2011).

Commissions of trust

Member of the Ethics Committee for Clinical Trials, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade (from 20/5/2014)

Memberships of scientific societies

Member of Serbian Association for Cancer Research, Pharmaceutical Society of Serbia, Immunological Society of Serbia, Serbian Nutrition Society, Serbian Association of Clinical Research Professionals.

Current journal peer-review service

Food and Function
Pharmaceutical Biology
Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences
Food and Nutrition (national)

Industrial innovation related activities

Industrial innovation related activities

Co-author of bioactivity-guided, technological solution for novel product “Aronia anti-oxi” for participating SME (Nutrika, Serbia), Projects No. 46013, Ministry of Sci & Technol Devel of Serbia

Public engagement

Scientific advisor for the Serbian Celiac Society
Invited lectures
1. Impact of dietary polyphenols on platelet function and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease: in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo. 67th Anniversary of the Institute for Biological Research of Serbia, 30th May, 2014.
2. Diet and health: scientific approach. Science Fair, 16th December, 2013, Faculty of Biology, Belgrade, Serbia
3. Food and drug allergies. XIII Professional Conference of Laboratory Technicians and Technologists of Serbia, 22-23rd March, 2013, Palić, Serbia
4. Allergy prevention – National and international strategies. XIII Professional Conference of Laboratory Technicians and Technologists of Serbia, 22-23rd March, 2013, Palić, Serbia
5. “State-of-art” in allergy diagnostics. I Category Symposium of Health Care Workers of Serbia with international participation, 5-9th October, 2013, Zlatibor, Serbia
Several newspaper articles about research activities, major findings and other foodhealth issues.


Peer-reviewed journals
1. Kardum N., Takić M., Šavikin K., Zec M., Zdunić G., Spasić S., Konić-Ristić A (2014). Effects of polyphenol-rich chokeberry juice on cellular antioxidant enzymes and membrane lipid status in healthy women. J Funct Food, 9:89-97. (IF: 2.632)
2. Savikin K, Menković N, Zdunić G, Pljevljakušić D, Spasić S, Kardum N, Konić-Ristić A. (2014). Dietary supplementation with polyphenol-rich chokeberry juice improves skin morphology in cellulite. J Med Food, 17(5), 582-587. (IF: 1.642)
3. Kardum N, Konić Ristić A, Savikin K, Spasić S, Stefanović A, Ivanišević J, Miljković M. (2014).Effects of polyphenol-rich chokeberry juice on antioxidant/pro-oxidant status in healthy subjects. J Med Food, (ahead of print.; DOI: 10.1089/jmf.2013.0135). (IF: 1.642)
4. Stanojković T., Konić-Ristić A., Kljajić Z., Grozdanić-Stanisavljević N., Srdić-Rajić T., Zdunić G., Šavikin K. (2014). Antioxidant, antiplatelet and cytotoxic activity of extract of Cystoseira amentacea from the coast of Montenegro (South-East Adriatic Sea). Dig J Nanomater Bios, 9(2), 869-880. (IF:1.092)
5. Konić-Ristić A., Srdić-Rajić T., Kardum N., Aleksić-Veličković V., Kroon P.A., Hollands W.J., Needs P.W., Boyko N., Hayran O., Jorjadze M. and Glibetić M. (2013). Effects of bioactive-rich extracts of pomegranate, persimmon, nettle, dill, kale and Sideritis and isolated bioactives on arachidonic acid induced markers of platelet activation and aggregation. J Sci Food Agric, doi:10.1002/jsfa.6328. (IF: 1.759)
6. Danesi F., Saha S., Kroon P.A., Glibetić M., Konić-Ristić A., D’Antuono L.F. and Bordoni A. (2013). Bioactive-rich Sideritis scardica tea (mountain tea) is as potent as Camellia sinensis tea at inducing cellular antioxidant defences and preventing oxidative stress. J Sci Food Agric, doi: 10.1002/jsfa.6214. (IF: 1.759)
7. Woodcock M.E., Hollands W.J., Konic-Ristic A., Glibetic M., Boyko N., Koçaoglu B. and Kroon P.A. (2013). Bioactive-rich extracts of persimmon but not nettle, Sideritis, dill or kale, increase eNOS activation and NO bioavailability and decrease endothelin-1 secretion by human vascular endothelial cells. J Sci Food Agric, doi:10.1002/jsfa.6251 (IF: 1.759)
8. Hollands W.J., Saha S., Hayran O., Boyko N., Glibetic M., Konic-Ristic A., Jorjadze M. and Kroon P.A. (2013). Lack of effect of bioactive-rich extracts of pomegranate, persimmon, nettle, dill, kale and Sideritis and isolated bioactives on platelet function. J Sci Food Agric, doi: 10.1002/jsfa.6213. (IF: 1.759)
9. Konić Ristić A., Srdić-Rajić T., Kardum N. and Glibetić M. (2013). Biological activity of Aronia melanocarpa antioxidants pre-screening in an intervention study design J Serb Chem Soc, 78(3), 429–443. (IF: 0.912)
10. Djunic I., Elezovic I., Vucic M., Srdic-Rajic T., Konic-Ristic A., Ilic V., Milic N., Bila J., Suvajdzic-Vukovic N., Virijevic M., Antic D., Vidovic A. and Tomin D. (2013). Specific binding of paraprotein to platelet receptors as a cause of platelet dysfunction in monoclonal gammopathies. Acta Haematol, 130(2), 101-107. (IF: 0.894)
11. Besu I., Jankovic L., Konic-Ristic A., Damjanovic A., Besu V. and Juranic Z. (2013). Good tolerance to goat’s milk in patients with recurrent aphthous ulcers with increased immunoreactivity to cow’s milk proteins. J Oral Pathol Med, 42(7), 523-7. (IF: 2.055)
12. Besu I., Jankovic L., Konic-Ristic A., Raskovic S., Besu V., Djuric M., Cakic S., Magdu I.U. and Juranic Z. (2013). The role of specific cow’s milk proteins in the etiology of recurrent aphthous ulcers. J Oral Pathol Med, 42(1), 82-8. (IF: 2.055)
13. Milošević-Jovčić N., Vujačić A., Konić-Ristić A., Pavlović J., Todorović V. and Glibetić M. (2012). The role of cytokines in orthodontic tooth movement. Srp Arh Celok Lek, 140(5-6), 371-8. (IF: 0.228)
14. Zec M., Srdic-Rajic T., Konic-Ristic A., Todorovic T., Andjelkovic K., Filipovic-Ljeskovic I. and Radulovic S. (2012). Anti-metastatic and anti-angiogenic properties of potential new anti-cancer drugs based on metal complexes of selenosemicarbazones. Anticancer Agents Med Chem, 12(9), 1071-80. (IF: 2.610)
15. Konić-Ristić A., Šavikin K., Zdunić G., Janković T., Juranic Z., Menković N. and Stanković I. (2011). Biological activity and chemical composition of different berry juices. Food Chem, 125(4), 1412-1417. (IF: 3.344)
16. Pljevljakušić D., Šavikin K., Janković T., Zdunić G., Ristić M., Godjevac D. and Konić-Ristić A. (2010). Chemical properties of aerial parts, infusion and decoction of the cultivated Sideritis raeseri Boiss. & Heldr. subsp. raeseri. Food Chem, 124(1), 226-233. (IF: 3.344)
17. Djekic-Ivankovic M., Savikin K., Zdunic G., Debeljak-Martacic J., Tepsic J., Popovic T., Vucic V., Konic-Ristic A. and Glibetic M. (2010). The effects of a new plant mixture on lipid levels in patients with metabolic syndrome. Arch Biol Sci, 62(2), 403-405. (IF: 0.791)
18. Stanojković T.P., Konić-Ristić A., Juranić Z.D., Savikin K., Zdunić G., Menković N. and Jadranin M. (2010). Cytotoxic and cell cycle effects induced by two herbal extracts on human cervix carcinoma and human breast cancer cell lines. J Med Food, 13(2), 291-297 (IF:1.642)
19. Konic-Ristic A., Dodig D., Krstic R., Jelic S., Stankovic I., Ninkovic A., Radic J., Besu I., Bonaci-Nikolic B., Jojic N., Djordjevic M., Popovic D. and Juranic Z. (2009). Different levels of humoral immunoreactivity to different wheat cultivars gliadin are present in patients with celiac disease and in patients with multiple myeloma. BMC Immunology.;10:32 (IF: 2.610)
20. Besu I., Jankovic L., Magdu I.U., Konic-Ristic A., Raskovic S.and Juranic Z. (2009). Humoral immunity to cow’s milk proteins and gliadin within the etiology of recurrent aphthous ulcers? Oral Dis, 15(8), 560-4. (IF:2.377)
21. Juranić Z.D., Besu I., Jelić S., Konić-Ristić A., Matković S., Janković L., Gavrilović D., Radojcić B. and Minić I. (2009). Some patients with NHL possessed immunoreactivity to gliadin and to cow’s milk proteins. Int J Hemat, 90(2), 212-6. (IF:1.681)
22. Juranic Z., Besu I., Dajak M. and Konic-Ristic A. (2009). Could the use of appropriate diet help in the prevention of multiple myeloma? Ј BUON, 14(2), 321-2.
23. Juranic Z., Radic J., Konic-Ristic A., Jelic S., Mihaljevic B., Stankovic I., Matkovic S., Besu I., Gavrilović D. (2008). Humoral immunoreactivity to gliadin and to tissue transglutaminase is present in some patients with multiple myeloma. BMC Immunology, 9:22 (IF: 2.610)
24. Cerović A., Miletić I., Konic-Ristic A., Baralic I., Djordjevic B., Djuricic I. and Radusinović M. (2006).The dry plant extract of common bean seed (Phaseoli vulgari pericarpium) does not have an effect on postprandial glycemia in healthy human subjects. Bosn J Basic Med Sci, 6, 28-33. (IF: 0.5)
25. Juranic Z., Radic J., Konic-Ristic A., Jelic S., Besu I. and Mihaljevic B. (2006). Antibodies contained in M component of some patients with multiple myeloma are directed to food antigens? Leukemia Res, 30, 1585-6. (IF: 2.764)
National journals
1. Gurinović M, Ristić-Medić D, Vučić V, Milešević J, Konić-Ristić A, Glibetić M. (2013). Nutrition and cardiovascular diseases. Acta Clin, 13(1), 156-180.
2. Aleksić-Veličković V, Kardum N, Berisavac M, Konić-Ristić A, Glibetić M. (2012). Antioxidant enzyme activities in erythrocytes of healthy pregnant women, preeclamptic women and newborns. Materia medica, 28(3), 691-698.
3. Popović T, Debeljak-Martačić J, Tepšić J, Kujundžić S, Konić-Ristić A, Glibetić M, Gurinović M. (2011). Analytical analysis of traditional foods: Filling the gap in Serbian Food Composition Database information. Food Feed Res, 38(1), 39-42.
4. Stanković I, Konić Ristić A, Delević V. (2010). Hormones in food. Arh Farm 60(2), 198-206.
5. Stanković I, Konić-Ristić A. (2009). Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics. Arh Farm 59(2-3), 169-181.
6. Miletić I, Konić-Ristić A, Đorđević B. (2006). Optimal diet in pregnancy and lactation. Arh Farm, 56(3), 260-269.
7. Konić-Ristić A, Šobajić S. (2005). Residual sulphur-dioxide in dried fruits from Belgrade market, Food and Nutrition 46 (3-4), 51-55.
8. Miletić I, Konić-Ristić A, Đorđević B. (2005). Dietetic food for infants and young children. Arh Farm, 55 (4), 329-337.

Book chapters

1. Konić-Ristić A, Šavikin K, Zdunić G, Gođevac D, Janković T, Menković N. (2012) Phenolic compounds, health effects and antioxidant properties of berries. In: Phytochemicals: Occurrence in nature, health effects and antioxidant properties, Hai-Xue Kuang (ed.), Nova Science Publishers, ISBN: 978-1-62417-354-7.
2. Stanojković T, Konić-Ristić A, Janković T, Zdunić G, Šavikin K. (2011) Chapter 7: Evidence-based Anticancer Materia Medica for Cervical Cancer. In: W.C.S. Cho (ed.), Materia Medica for Various Cancers, Evidence-Based Anticancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1983-5_7, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., ISBN: 978-94-007-1982-8.

Invited lectures

Konic-Ristic A. From Basic Science and Epidemiological Studies to Clinical Trials in Nutrition and Metabolism Research: Effects of dietary bioactive compounds on platelet function and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. 1er Colloque Scientifique Franco-Serbe, 11th June, 2012, Paris, France


International congresses and symposia
Oral presentations
1. Konic-Ristic A, Glibetic M, Srdic-Rajic T, Kardum N, Kroon PA, Hollands W. Effects of 6-week of pomegranate juice consumption on platelet function in subjects with metabolic syndrome: a randomised controlled intervention study. Traditional Food International 2012, 4-5th October, 2012, Cesena, Italy
2. Petrovic-Oggiano G, Konic-Ristic A, Srdic-Rajic T, Stojanovic F, Glibetic M, Juranic Z. Immunoreactivity to gliadin and milk proteins in patients with metabolic syndrome. 11th FENS European Nutrition Conference, 26-29th October, 2011, Madrid, Spain. Abstract book, p.41, OP.27/888.
Poster presentations
1. Kardum N, Šavikin K, Milovanović B, Zdunić G, Spasić S, Konić Ristić A. Dietary supplementation with polyphenol-rich chokeberry juice has beneficial effects in patients with mild hypertension and mild hyperlipidemia. The Fifth International Symposium on Neurocardiology, 17-18th October 2013, Belgrade , Serbia (O58, pg.112)
2. Konić-Ristić A, Srdić-Rajić T, Kardum N, Šobajić S, Glibetić M. Antiplatelet and cell-based antioxidant activity of protocatechuic acid, one of anthocyanins major metabolite in humans. Integrative Approaches in Nutrition Research 2013, 8-9th March, 2013, Clermont-Ferrand, France (P026)
3. Vidović B, Milovanović S, Đorđević B, Stefanović A, Kotur-Stevuljević J, Konić Ristić A, Stanković I. Supplementation with alpha-lipoic acid increases plasma adiponectin level in patients with schizophrenia. Integrative Approaches in Nutrition Research 2013, 8-9th March, 2013, Clermont-Ferrand, France (P028)
4. Glibetic M, Konic-Ristic A, Srdic-Rajic T, Kardum N, Kroon PA, Hollands W, Boyko N. Acute effects of hot water infusions of mountain tea, nettle and dill on platelet function in subjects with metabolic syndrome: a randomised controlled intervention study. Traditional Food International 2012, 4-5th October, 2012., Cesena, Italy
5. Kardum N, Konic-Ristic A, Glibetic M, Srdic-Rajic T, Kroon PA, Hollands W, Woodcock M, Boyko N. Effects of 6 weeks of pomegranate juice consumption on cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers in subjects with metabolic syndrome: a randomised controlled intervention study. Traditional Food International 2012, 4-5th October, 2012., Cesena, Italy.
6. Chendey T, Koval N, Rishko MV, Konić-Ristić A, Glibetić M, Hollands W, Kroon PA. Effects of 6 weeks consumption of bioactive-rich nettle and Sideritis teas on endothelial function and other markers of cardiovascular disease risk in an at-risk subject group: a randomised controlled trial. Traditional Food International 2012, 4-5th October, 2012., Cesena, Italy.
7. Danesi F, Govoni M, de Biase D, Saha S, Woodcock ME, Konić-Ristić A, Glibetić M, Kroon PA, Pession A, D’Antuono LF, Giordano E, Bordoni A. Hypocholesterolemic effect of dill and kale extracts: assessing mechanisms of action in hepatic cultured cells. Traditional Food International 2012, 4-5th October, 2012., Cesena, Italy.
8. Danesi F, Saha S, Kroon PA, Glibetić M, Konić-Ristić A, D’Antuono LF, Bordoni A. Protective role of Sideritis scardica and Camellia sinensis extracts in oxidatively injured mammalian cells. Traditional Food International 2012, 4-5th October, 2012., Cesena, Italy.
9. Hollands W, Woodcock ME, Konic-Ristic A, Glibetic M, Boyko N, Kardum N, Jorjadze M, Hayran O, Kroon PA. Can bioactive-rich plant food extracts of the Black Sea Region and isolated bioactive metabolites inhibit platelet function? Traditional Food International 2012, 4-5th October, 2012., Cesena, Italy.
10. Petrov V, Levchuk O, Bati V, Markush N, Hollands W, Woodcock ME, Kroon PA, Danesi F, Bordoni A, Konic-Ristic A, Glibetic M, Boyko N. Cells and animal models used for testing of biological active compounds of plant originated traditional foods: results of BaSeFood project. Traditional Food International 2012, 4-5th October, 2012., Cesena, Italy.
11. Winterbone M, Woodcock ME, Cichello F, Konic-Ristic A, Glibetic M, Boyko N, Jorjadze M, Hayran O, Kroon PA. Are polyphenols found in plants from the black-sea region able to attenuate TNFα induced increases in adhesion molecules in endothelial cells? Traditional Food International 2012, 4-5th October, 2012, Cesena, Italy.
12. Saha S, Woodcock ME, Konic-Ristic A, Glibetic M, Boyko N, Jorjadze M, Hayran O, Kroon PA. Identification of phenolic and glucosinolate bioactives in kale, dill, annual nettle (Urtica urens), Sideritis scardica, persimmon and pomegranate from the Black Sea region using LC-DAD-MS. Traditional Food International 2012, 4-5th October, 2012, Cesena, Italy.
13. Grozdanic N, Stanojkovic T, Kljajic Z, Etahiri S, Assobhei O, Konic-Ristic A, Srdic-Rajic T, Kardum N, Backovic S. In vitro evaluation of Antioxidant and Antitumoral Activities of Marine Algae Gelidium Sesquipedale and Fucus Spiralis. Eur J Cancer 2012;48(S5):S26.
14. Djunic I, Elezovic I, Vucic M, Srdic-Rajic T, Konic-Ristic A, Ilic V, Milic N, Bila J, Suvajdzic-Vukovic N, Antic D, Vidovic A, Tomin D. Paraprotein specific binding for platelet receptor glycoprotein Ib as a cause of acquired von Willebrand syndrome in monoclonal gammopathies. World Federation of Hemophilia 2012 Congress, 8-12th July, Paris, France; Haemophilia, 2012; 18,p195.
15. Konic-Ristic A, Srdic-Rajic T, Arsić A, Djekić Ivanković M, Kardum D, Glibetić M. Effect of long-term consumption of Aronia melanocarpa juice on antioxidative status of patients with metabolic disease. 5th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, 17-20th October, 2011, Sitges, Spain. Ab. book, pp 509.
16. Konic-Ristic A, Stanojkovic T, Srdic-Rajic T, Zdunic G, Savikin K, Glibetic M. Anti-proliferative and cell-cycle effects of chokeberry and pomegranate juices on colon cancer cells in vitro. 11th FENS European Nutrition Conference, 26-29th October, 2011, Madrid, Spain. Abstract book, p.364, pp. 27/783.
17. Srdic-Rajic T, Konic-Ristic A, Arsić A, Zec M, Stojanović F, Kardum D. Effect of acute intake of Aronia melanocarpa juice on antioxidative status and platelet function-ex vivo study. 11th FENS European Nutrition Conference, 26-29th October, 2011, Madrid, Spain. Abstract book, p.339, pp.27/473.
18. Petrovic-Oggiano G, Konic-Ristic A, Srdic-Rajic T, Stojanovic F, Glibetic M, Juranic Z. Immunoreactivity to gliadin and milk proteins in patients with metabolic syndrome. 11th FENS European Nutrition Conference, 26-29th October, 2011, Madrid, Spain. Abstract book, p.41, OP.27/888. oralna prezentacija kandidata
19. Naska A, Sanches Silva A, Albuquerque TG, CostaHS, Finglas P, Konic-Ristic A, Glibetic M, D’Antuono F , Trichopoulou A. Dietary data and mortality patterns in countries of the Black Sea region. 11th FENS European Nutrition Conference, 26-29th October, 2011, Madrid, Spain. Abstract book, p.62, OP. 27/646. – oralna prezentacija
20. Besu I, Konic-Ristic A, Jelic S, Matkovic S, Minic I, Djordjevic M, Juranic Z. Immunity to phytohemagglutinin in some NHL patients, 21st Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research, 25th-50th June, 2010, Oslo, Norway EJC Sup. 2010; 8(5): 313. Stanojković T, Kljajić Z,
21. Konić-Ristić A, Zdunić G, Mačić V, Srdić-Rajić T, Šavikin K, Juranić Z. In vitro Cytotoxic, Anticoagulant, Antioxidant and Cell Cycle Effects of Extract of Brown Alga Cystoseira amentacea, from Boka Kotorska, Montenegro. EACR- Anticancer Agents Research Congress, 13-16th October, 2010, Antalya, Turkey. Abstract book, pp 14.
22. Šavikin K, Konic-Ristic A, Zdunić G, Srdic-Rajic T, Kotur-Stevuljevic J. Salivary flow, immunoglobulin A levels and antioxidant status in smokers after a single black currant meal. 58th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research, Berlin, Germany, 29th August -2nd September, 2010; Planta Medica 76 (DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1268216).
23. Popovic T, Debeljak-Martacic J, Tepic J, Kujundzic S, Konic-Ristic A, Glibetic M, Gurinovic M. Analytical analysis of traditional foods: Filling the gap in Serbian FCDB information. 3rd International EuroFIR Congress, 8th-10th September, 2009, Vienna, Austria. Abstract Book pp 3_57.
24. Besu I, Juranic Z, Djordjevic M, Konic-Ristic A, Filipovic-Ljeskovic I, Babovic N, Jelic S. The existance of humoral immunity to gliadin and cows milk proteins in patients with prostatic disease, ECCO 15-The European Cancer Conference, 20-24th September 2009, Berlin, Germany. EJC Supplements, 7(2), 102, 2009.
25. Djordjevic M, Maric I, Konic-Ristic A, Besu I, Dodig D, Stankovic I, Juranic I. Immunity to food antigens in patients with Balkan endemic nephropathy. 2nd European Congress of Immunology, 13th-16th September, 2009, Berlin, Germany. European Journal of Immunology, 39 (S1), S714, 2009.
26. Besu I, Jankovic L, Ursu Magdu I, Konic-Ristic A, Raskovic S, Zizak Z, Juranic Z. Humoral immunity to cow’s milk proteins and gliadin in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis. 2nd European Congress of Immunology, 13th-16th September, 2009, Berlin, Germany. European Journal of Immunology, 39 (S1), S703, 2009.
27. Besu I, Juranic Z, Konic-Ristic A, Golubicic-Magazinovic I, Mihaljevic B, Milanovic N, Grubic B. The existence of humoral immunity to cows milk proteins in patients with Hodgkins disease. 16th European Congress of Immunology, 6-9th September, Paris, France. Book of Abstracts, pp 1937.
28. Konic-Ristic A, Besu I, Djordjevic M, Stankovic I, Jojic N, Bonaci-Nikolic B, Popovic D, Juranic I. Immunity to cow’s milk proteins and phytohemagglutinin is also found in patients with celiac disease. 2nd European Congress of Immunology, 13-16th September, 2009, Berlin, Germany. European Journal of Immunology, 39 (S1), S705, 2009.
29. Konic-Ristic A, Dodig D, Krstic R, Jelic S, Stankovic S, Juranic Z. There is different content of immunogenic gliadin epitopes in various wheat cultivars. First European Food Congress, 4-9th November, 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Delegate Manual,T227.
30. Konic-Ristic A, Juranic Z, Stanojkovic T, Miletic I, Stankovic S . Effects of human sera and PBMC on neoplastic colon cell line after broccoli sprouts consumption. The 12th International Congress PHYTOPHARM 2008, 2-4th July, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Abstract Book, p. 68.
31. Besu I, Konic-Ristic A, Jelic S, Minic I, Matkovic S, Jankovic L, Mihaljevic B, Juranic Z. The existence of humoral immunity to gliadin and cow’s milk proteins in patients with lymphoma, ECCO 14-The European Cancer Conference, 23 -27th September 2007, Barcelona, Spain. EJC Supplements, 5(4), 348, 2009.
32. Konic-Ristic A, Vidovic B, Sobajic S, Stankovic I, Djordjevic B. Prevalence rates and trends on underweight normal weight and overweight/obesity among pharmacy student population in Serbia, 10th European nutrition Conference, 10-13th July 2007, Paris, France. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 51(suppl 1), 302, 2007.
33. Konic-Ristic A, Juranic Z, Besu I, Stankovic I. Dietary proteins affect PBMC proliferation In Vitro in patients with Hodgkins disease. I World Congress of Public Health Nutrition, 28-30th September 2006, Barcelona, Spain. Public Health Nutrition, 9(7A), 225, 2006.
34. Juranic Z, Konic-Ristic A, Besu I, Jelic S, Milanovic N, Mihaljeivc B. Immunoreactivity to food antigens is sometimes present in patients with hematological diseases, I World Congress of Public Health Nutrition, 28-30th September 2006, Barcelona, Spain. Public Health Nutrition, 9(7A), 261, 2006.
35. Konic-Ristic A, Juranic Z, Besu I, Jelic S, Milanovic N, Marinkovic M, Milosevic D, Stankovic I, Stanojevic-Bakic N. The immunoreactivity of serum immunoglobulins with gliadin in patients with myeloma multiplex and non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma, ECCO 13-The European Cancer Conference, 30 October- 3 November 2005, Paris, France. EJC Supplements, 3(2), 152, 2005.
36. Šobajić S, Andonov A, Đuričić I, Đorđević B, Konić-Ristić A. Effect of dietary supplementation with algal omega-3 lipids on fatty acid composition of egg yolks. 10th Symposium Vitamins and Additives in Nutrition of Man and Animal, 28-29th September, 2005, Jena, Germany, Abstract book p. 72.
37. Šobajić S, Andonov A, Đuričić I, Đorđević B, Konić-Ristić A. Effect of dietary supplementation with algal omega-3 lipids on fatty acid composition of egg yolks. Vitamine und Zusatzstoffe in der Ernahrung von Mensch und Tier. Editors R. Schubert, G. Flaschowsky, G. Jahreis, R. Bitsch, Friedrich Schiller Universitat, 2005; 369-372. (in extenso)
38. Stanojkovic T, Juranic Z, Konic-Ristic A, Zizak Z, Tasic S. Cytotoxic and cell cycle effects induced by two aqueous-ethanol herbal extracts on human cervix carcinoma and human breast cancer cell lines, ECCO 13-The European Cancer Conference, 30 October- 3 November 2005, Paris, France. EJC Supplements, 3(2), 62, 2005.
39. Konic-Ristic A, Juranic Z, Stanojkovic T. Sulforaphane Affects PBMC Proliferation In Vitro, 12th International Congress of Immunology, July 2004, Montreal, Canada
National congresses and symposia
Oral presentations
1. Konić-Ristić A, Srdić-Rajić T, Kardum N, Stanković I, Glibetić M. Polifenoli kao antitrombocitni agensi u prevenciji kardiovaskularnih bolesti- in vitro i ex vivo ispitivanja (usmena prezentacija). Četvrti kongres o dijetetskim suplementima sa međunarodnim učešćem, 24.-25. oktobar 2013., Beograd, Srbija. (O10, pg.23)
2. Konić-Ristić A, Srdić-Rajić T, Kardum N, Stanković I, Glibetić M. Uticaj konzumacije soka od nara na funkciju trombocita i druge faktore rizika za nastanak kardivaskularnih obolenja (usmena prezentacija). Četvrti kongres o dijetetskim suplementima sa međunarodnim učešćem, 24.-25. oktobar 2013., Beograd, Srbija. (O9, pg.21)
3. Konic-Ristic A, Srdić-Rajić T, Arsić A, Djekić Ivanković M, Petrović-Oggiano G, Glibetic M. Povoljni efekti dijetetskog suplementa na bazi soka od aronije obogaćenog dijetnim vlaknima kod pacijenata sa metaboličkim sindromom. Treći kongres o dijetetskim suplementima sa međunarodnim učešćem, 25-26. novembar 2011, Beograd, Srbija
4. Konić-Ristić A, Juranić Z, Stanković I, Stanojković T. Ispitivanje citotoksičnog delovanja dijetarnih izotiocijanata i njihova upotreba u dijetetskim suplementima (usmena prezentacija), Prvi kongres o dijetetskim suplementima sa međunarodnim učešćem, 15.-17. mart 2007, Beograd, Srbija.
Poster presentations
1. Petrović-Oggiano G, Kardum N , Takić Marija, Petrović S, Popović T, Debeljak- Martačić J, Konić-Ristić A, Glibetić M. Uticaj antocijana iz „Aronie melanocarpe“ na odabrane biohemijske parametre kod žena u postmenopauzi sa metaboličkim sindromom. 12. Kongres o ishrani sa međunardonim učešćem, 31. oktobar-3. novembar 2012, Beograd
2. Petrović-Oggiano G, Kardum N , Popović T, Takić Marija, Debeljak- Martačić J, Konić-Ristić A, Glibetić M. The effects of shortterm supplementation with Aronia melanocarpa on selected anthropometric and biochemical parameters in postmenopausal women with metabolic syndrome. Treći kongres Endokrinologa Srbije sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 6-9. decembar 2012, Beograd
3. Đorđević B, Konić-Ristić A. Sastojci vina sa potencijalno protektivnim efektima na kardiovaskularni sistem. Drugi kongres o hiperlipoproteinemijama Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem. Novi Sad, Srbija, 17.-19. novembar 2008. Zbornik sažetaka str. 38.
4. Đorđević B, Konić-Ristić A, Vidović B. Kalcijum kao najzastupljenija mineralna materija u organizmu. Hrana i lekovi 2007, Zlatibor, Srbija, 15.-18. april 2007. Zbornik radova str. 15-19.
5. Konić-Ristić A, Stanković I, Juranić Z, Stanojković T. Antiproliferativno delovanje dijetarnih izotijocijanata na malignim ćelijskim linijama In Vitro. IV Kongres farmaceuta Srbije, Beograd, Srbija, 28. novembar-2. decembar 2006. Arhiv za farmaciju, 56 (4), 576-577, 2006, pp 86.
6. Baralic I, Miletic I, Sobajic S, Djuricic I, Konic-Ristic A. Efekat voćnih napitaka na bazi surutke na nivo sekrecije salivarnog IgA kod karatista Simpozijum Mleko i proizvodi od mleka, Tara, Srbija, 6.-10. april 2005. Zbornik radova, str. 72-73.
7. Konić-Ristić А, Konić P, Stanković I, Đorđević B, Baralić I . Sadržaj estradiola u komercijalnom mleku na našem trzištu, Simpozijum Mleko i proizvodi od mleka, Tara, Srbija, 6.-10. april 2005. Zbornik radova, str. 69-70.


Dr Maria Glibetic




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