Institut za medicinska istraživanja
Centar izuzetnih vrednosti za istraživanja u oblasti ishrane i metabolizma
Tadeuša Košćuška 1
11 000 Beograd
tel: 011 3031997
fax: 011 2030169
Srednja škola: laboratorijski tehničar za fiziku, Ćuprija, 1990
Hemijski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, smer Biohemija 1990-1995
Poslediplomske studije: smer Biohemija, Hemijski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 1995-1998
Magistarska teza: ”Prostata specifični antigen: izolovanje, biohemijska karakterizacija i dijagnostički potencijal u ranom otkrivanju kancera prostate”, Hemijski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 1998
Doktorska disertacija: “ Kombinovani efekti jonizujućeg zračenja i nukleozidnih analoga na ćelijske linije humanog kancera prostate”, Biološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2005
Radno iskustvo
1995-1998 Istraživac-pripravnik, Laboratorija za endokrinologiju, Institut za primenu nuklearne energije INEP, Zemun
1999-2000 Istraživac-saradnik, Laboratorija za endokrinologiju, Institut za primenu nuklearne energije INEP, Zemun
2001-2005 Istraživac-saradnik, Laboratorija za molekularnu biologiju i endokrinologiju Instituta za nuklearne nauke “Vinča”, Beograd
2006-2007 Naučni saradnik, Laboratorija za molekularnu biologiju i endokrinologiju Instituta za nuklearne nauke “Vinča”, Beograd
Dec. 2007 – Naučni saradnik, Laboratorija za ishranu i metabolizam, Institut za medicinska istraživanja
Edukacije i radionice
2011 EURRECA Scientific writing workshop, Wageningen, Holandija, 4-8 April, 2011
2010 EURRECA training, meta analyses of dose response associations, Wageningen, Holandija, April,
2010 EURRECA training, meta analyses of dose response associations, Kopenhagen, Danska, Oktobar
2009 Micronutrient Bioavailability: Priorities and challenges for setting dietary reference values. Joint Workshop hosted by EURRECA and the ILSI Europe Addition of Nutrients to Food Task Force. 11-12 June, Barcelona, Spain.
2009 EURRECA SoE/IA2 Media Training: Nutrition Software. 11 June, Barcelona, Spain.
2009 EURRECA RA2 Workshop: Data extraction for narrative reviews and meta-analysis, 10 June, Barcelona, Spain.
2009 Nutrition Software training for Eurreca partners Italy (Hylo) & Portugal (Biotempo), EURRECA IA2 Task 7- Training: Nutrition software tool for implementing micronutrient recommendations, organized by Eurreca, May 25 -26, 2009, Institute for Medical Research, Nutrition Department, Belgrade, Serbia.
2008 EURRECA Training – Making the most of the Eurreca (EUropean micronutrient REcommendations Aligned, FP6) Network of Excellence, 14-17 April 2008, University College Cork, Ireland.
2008 EURRECA WEEK, 9-13 JUNE 2008, Training-Systematic Reviews-Tuesday 10 June, Budva, Montenegro.
Projekti koje finansira Evropska komisija
- Eurreca FP6- EUropean micronutrient REcommendations Aligned, RA 1.1. Intake Methods. RA 2.2. Childern and Adolescents. RA 2.7 Low Incomme and Immigrants.
- BaSeFOOD FP7 – Sustainable exploitation of bioactive components from the Black Sea Area traditional foods is a collaborative research program funded by the European Commission.
Radovi objavljeni u časopisima medjunarodnog značaja
- Vucic V, Berti C, Vollhardt C, Fekete K, Cetin I, Koletzko B, Gurinovic M, vant Veer P. Effect of iron intervention on growth during gestation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Nutrition Reviews, 71(6), 386-401, 2013. (IF 5.541, 5/78, Nutrition and Dietetics)
- Karadzic I, Vucic V, Jokanovic V, Debeljak-Martacic J, Markovic D, Petrovic S, Glibetic M. Effects of novel hydroxyapatite based 3D biomaterials on proliferation and osteoblastic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. J Biomed Mater Res A, 2014. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.35180. (IF 2.834, 8/27 Materials Sciences, Biomaterials)
- Harvey LJ, Berti C, Casgrain A, Cetin I, Collings R, Gurinovic M, Hermoso M, Hooper L, Hurst R, Koletzko B, Ngo J, Viñas BR, Vollhardt C, Vucic V, Fairweather-Tait SJ. EURRECA-Estimating iron requirements for deriving dietary reference values. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 53(10): 1064-1076, 2013. (IF 5.548, 2/122, Food Science and Technology)
- Ristic-Medic D, Takic M, Vucic V, Kostic N, Glibetic M. Abnormalities in serum phospholipids fatty acid profile in patients with alcoholic liver currhosis- a pilot study J Clin Biochem Nutr, 53(1), 49-54, 2013. (IF 2.245, 35/76, Nutrition and Dietetics)
- Cvetković Z, Vučić V, Cvetković B, Petrović M, Ristić-Medić D, Tepšić J, Glibetić M. Abnormal fatty acid distribution of the serum phospholipids of patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Ann Hematol, 89(8): 775-782, 2010. (IF 2.919, 24/61, Hematology)
- Lagundžin D, Vučić V, Glibetić M, Nedić O. Alteration of IGFBP-1 in soccer players due to intensive training. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 23(5):449-57, 2013. (IF 1.982, 25/81, Sport Sciences)
- Petrović S, Takić M, Arsić A, Vučić V, Drakulić D, Milošević M, Glibetić M. Effect of sex hormones on plasma phospholipid fatty acid composition in intact rats and rats with bilaterally occluded carotid arteries. Physiol Res, 63(3): 331-339, 2014. (IF 1.531, 58/80, Physiology)
- Ristic-Medic D, Vucic V, Takic M, Karadzic I, Glibetic M. Polyunsaturated fatty acids in health and disease. J Serb Chem Soc, 78(9):1269-1289, 2013. (IF 0.879, 103/154, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)
- Cvetković Z, Vučić V, Cvetković B, Karadžić I, Ranić M, Glibetić M. Distribution of plasma fatty acids is associated with response to chemotherapy in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients. Medical Oncology, 30(4), 741-747, 2013. (IF 2.147, 118/197, Oncology)
- Vučić V, Tepšić J, Arsić A, Popović T, Debeljak-Martačić J, Glibetić M. Fatty acid content of vegetable oils and assessment of their consumption in Serbia. Acta Alimentaria, 41 (3):343–350, 2012. (IF 0.475, 95/124, Food Science and Technology)
- Arsić A, Vučić V, Prekajski N, Tepšić J, Ristić-Medić D, Veličković V, Glibetić M. Different fatty acid composition of serum phospholipids of small and appropriate for gestational age preterm infants and of milk from their mothers. Hippokratia, 16:239-244, 2012. (IF 0.589, 110/155, Medicine, General & Internal)
- Arsić A, Vučić V, Tepšić J, Mazić S, Djelić M, Glibetić M. Altered plasma and erythrocyte phospholipid fatty acid profile in elite female water polo and football players. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 37(1):40-7, 2012
- Hermoso M, Vucic V, Vollhardt C, Arsic A, Román-Vinas B, Iglesia-Altaba I, Gurinovic M, Koletzko B. The Effect of Iron on Cognitive Development and Function in Infants, Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Ann Nutr Metab 59:154-165, 2011
- Cvetković B, Vučić V, Cvetković Z, Popović T, Glibetić M. Systemic alterations in concentrations and distribution of plasma phospholipids in prostate cancer patients. Med Oncol. 29:809-814, 2012
- Popovic T, Borozan S, Arsic A, Debeljak-Martacic J, Vucic V, Trbovic A, Mandic Lj, Glibetic M. Fish oil supplementation improved liver phospholipids fatty acid composition and parameters of oxidative stress in male Wistar rats. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 2011 [Epub ahead of print]
- Tepsic, J., Vucic, V., Arsic, A., Mazic, S., Djelic M. and Glibetic M. Unfavourable plasma and erythrocyte phospholipid fatty acid profile in elite amateur boxers. European Journal of Sport Science, 2011 [Epub ahead of print]
- Popovic T, Borozan S, Arsic A, Debeljak-Martacic J, Vucic V, de Luka S, Milanovic I, Trbovic A, Glibetic M. Effects of n-3 Supplementation on Plasma and Liver Phospholipid Fatty Acids Profile in Aged Wistar Rats. Croat Chem Acta 84 (1) 73-79, 2011
- Petrović-Oggiano G, Damjanov V, Vučić V, Gurinović M, Popović T, Debeljak Martačić J, Nikolić M, Avramović N, Glibetić M. Nutrition based on different origin of fats as a risk factor for cerebrovascular insult. Acta Medica medinae 50 (2): 5-11, 2011
- Cvetkovic Z, Vucic V, Cvetkovic B, Petrovic M, Ristić Medić D, Tepšić J, Glibetić M. Abnormal fatty acid distribution of the serum phospholipids of patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Annals of Hematology, 89 (8), 775-782, 2010
- Iglesia I, Doets EL, Bel-Serrat S, Román B, Hermoso M, Peña Quintana L, del Rosario García-Luzardo M, Santana-Salguero B, García-Santos Y, Vucic V, Frost Andersen L, Pérez-Rodrigo C, Aranceta J, Cavelaars A, Decsi T, Serra-Majem L, Gurinovic M, Cetin I, Koletzko B, Alberto Moreno L. Physiological and public health basis for assessing micronutrient requirements in children and adolescents.The EURRECA network. Maternal and Child Nutrition 6 (Suppl. 2) 84–99, 2010
- Djekic-Ivankovic M, Savikin Katarina P, Zdunic Gordana M, Debeljak-Martacic Jasmina, Tepsic Jasna, Popovic T, Vucic Vesna, Konic-Ristic Aleksandra, Glibetic Marija. The Effects of a New Plant Mixture on Lipid Levels in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome. Archives of Biological Sciences, 62 (2), 403-405, 2010_
- Vucic V, Glibetic M, Novakovic R, Ngo J, Ristic-Medic D, Tepsic J, Ranic M, Serra-Majem L, Gurinovic M. Dietary assessment methods used for low-income populations in food consumption surveys: a literature review.British Journal of Nutrition, 101, Suppl. 2, S95-S101, 2009.
- Ristic-Medic D, Suzic S, Vucic V, Takic M, Tepsic J, Glibetic M. Serum and erythrocyte membrane phospholipid fatty acid composition in hiperlipidemia: effects of dietary intervention and combined diet and fibrate therapy. General Physiology and Biophysics, 28: 190-199, 2009.
- Popovic T, Ranic M, Bulajic P, Milicevic M, Arsic A, Vucic V, Glibetic M. Effects of n-3 fatty acids supplementation on plasma phospholipids fatty acid composition in patients with obstructive jaundice – a pilot study. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 45: 1-6, 2009.
- Arsic A, Prekajski N, Vucic V, Tepsic J, Popovic T, Vrvic M, Glibetic M. Milk in human nutrition: Comparison of fatty acid profiles. Acta Veterinaria, 59: 569-578, 2009.
- Petrović-Oggianno G, Damjanov V, Vučić V, Debeljak-Martačić J, Pavlović M,Glibetić M. Effects of three types of physical activity on reduction of metabolic parameters involved in cardiovascular risk. Archives of Biological Sciences 61 (3), 367-374, 2009.
- Cvetkovic Z, Cvetkovic B, Petrovic M, Ranic M, Debeljak-Martacic J, Vucic V,Glibetic M. Lipid profile as a prognostic factor in cancer patients. Journal of B.U.O.N. 14: 501-506, 2009.
- Tepšić J, Vučić V, Arsić A, Blaženčić-Mladenović V, Mazić S, Glibetić M.Plasma and erythrocyte phospholipid fatty acid profile in professional basketball and football players. European Journal Applied Physiology, 107, 359-365, 2009.
- Vučić V, Nićiforović A, Adžić M, Radojčić MB, Ruždijić S. The combination of gamma ionizing radiation and 8-Cl-cAMP induces synergistic cell growth inhibition and induction of apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells. Investigational New Drugs 26(4):309-17, 2008.
- Niciforovic A, Djordjevic J, Adzic M, Vucic V, Mitrasinovic MP, Radojcic MB. Experimental and Systems Biology Studies of the Molecular Basis for the Radioresistance of Prostate Carcinoma Cells. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 36 (5): 831-838, 2008.
- Vučić V, Isenović E, Adžić M, Ruždijić S, Radojcic M. Antiproliferative and citotoxic effects of gamma-radiation on DU-145 human prostate cancer cell line. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 39: 227-236, 2006.
- Adžić M, Nićiforović A, Vučić V, Nešković-Konstantinović Z, Spasić S, Jones D, Radojčić MB, Spasić MB. Systemic NFkB Activation in blood cells of breast cancer patients. Redox Report 11: 39-44, 2006.
- Prokopović J, Adžic M, Nićiforović A, Vučić V, Zarić B, Radojčić MB.Superoxide Dismutases in Radioresistant PC-3 Human Prostate Carcinoma Cells. 5th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia (2006) Proceedings, Vol.I pp. 422-424.
- Nićiforović A, Adžić M, Zarić B, Vučić V, Radojčić MB. Adjuvant antiproliferative and cytotoxic effect of aloin in irradiated HeLaS3 Cells. 5th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia (2006) Proceedings, Vol.I pp. 344-346.
- Nićiforović A, Adžić M, Zarić B, Vučić V, Radojčić MB. Adjuvant antiproliferative and cytotoxic effect of aloin in irradiated HeLaS3 Cells. 5th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia (2006) Proceedings, Vol.I pp. 344-346.
- Prokopović J, Adžic M, Nićiforović A, Vučić V, Zarić B, Radojčić MB. Superoxide Dismutases in Radioresistant PC-3 Human Prostate Carcinoma Cells. 5th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia (2006) Proceedings, Vol.I pp. 422-424.
- Baričević I, Vićovac Lj, Marinović V, Čuperlović M. Investigation of asialoglycoprotein receptor glycosylation by lectin affinity methods. J Serb Chem Soc 67 (5): 331 – 338, 2002.
- Marinović V , Čuperlović M. Investigation of prostate specific antigen glycosylation. J Serb Chem Soc 65(2): 141-145, 2000.
- Marinović V, Nedić O, Stanojević N, Baričević I, Pavlica S. Investigation of the relationship between two major prostate tumour markers. Yugoslav Med Biochem 19 (4): 407-410, 2000.
- Marinović V, Čuperlović M, Hajduković-Dragojlović Lj. Prostate-specific antigen: biochemical characteristics, biological functions and diagnostic potential in prostate cancer screening. (Review) Yugoslav Med Biochem 16: 129-136, 1997.
Radovi saopšteni na domaćim i međunarodnim skupovima
- Vucic V, Z. Cvetkovic, B. Cvetkovic, M. Glibetic. Altered fatty acid composition of serum phospholipids in patients with non hodgkin lymphoma. UICC World Cancer Congress International Union Against cancer, Shenzhen, China 2010. Abstract UICC10-433, oral.
- Vucic V, Arsic A, Ristic-Medic D, Tepsic J, Glibetic M. Plasma fatty acid status in elite female athletes.11th European Nutrition Conference (FENS), Madrid, Spain 2011. Ann Nutr Metab 2011; 58 (suppl 3), p142
- Vucic V, Hermoso M, Arsic A, Vollhardt C, Bel-Serrat S, Gurinovic M, Roman-Vinas B, Koletzko B. Effect of iron intervention on growth in infants, children and adolescents: a systematic review. 11th European Nutrition Conference (FENS), Madrid, Spain 2011. Ann Nutr Metab 2011; 58 (suppl 3), p142-143
- Ristic-Medic D, Vucic V, Petrovic-Oggiano G, Popovic T, Tepsic J, Glibetic MGurinovic M. Systematic report of research on iodine intake/status and its relationship to developmental outcome in children. 11th European Nutrition Conference (FENS), Madrid, Spain 2011. Ann Nutr Metab 2011; 58 (suppl 3), p394
- Ristic-Medic D, Vucic V, Arsic A, Takic M, Gurinovic M, Glibetic M. Polyunsaturated fatty acids as biomarker of their dietary intakes in adult Serbian population. 11th European Nutrition Conference (FENS), Madrid, Spain 2011. Ann Nutr Metab 2011; 58 (suppl 3), p152
- Arsic A, Vucic V, Mazic S, Djelic M, Glibetic M. Body composition and lipid profile in female water polo and football players.11th European Nutrition Conference (FENS), Madrid, Spain 2011. Ann Nutr Metab 2011; 58 (suppl 3), p149
- Hermoso M, Vucic V, Vollhardt C, Arsic A, Roman-Viñas B, Iglesia-Altaba I, Gurinovic M, Koletzko B. Iron and neurodevelopment and immunity in infants, children and adolescents: a systematic review. 3rd Internationa symposium on trace elements and health (TRACEL), Murcia, Spain 2011. Book of abstracts, p97.
- Vucic V, Arsic A, Ristic-Medic D, Glibetic M, Gurinovic M. The effect of iron intervention on on cognitive functions and psychomotor development in children and adolescents. 1st FCUB ERA Workshop. Food safety and health effects of food. Belgrade, Serbia 2011. Abstract Book p27 (oral 6.4)
- Ristic-Medic D, Vucic V, Petrovic-Oggiano G, Popovic T, Tepsic J, Glibetic M, Gurinovic M. Iodine intake and status and their relationship to development in children.1st FCUB ERA Workshop. Food safety and health effects of food. Belgrade, Serbia 2011. Abstract Book p 25 (oral 6.4)
- Tepsic J., Arsic A., Vucic V., Mazic S., Djelic M., Glibetic M. Unfavourable plasma phospholipid fatty acid profile in professional boxers. 10th International Nutrition & Diagnostics Conference, Prague, September 4 -7, 2010. Book of Abstracts pp.45
- Arsic A., Tepsic J., Vucic V., Mazic S., Djelic M., Glibetic M. Plasma phospholipid fatty acid profile in female football players. 10th International Nutrition & Diagnostics Conference, Prague, September 4 -7, 2010. Book of Abstracts pp.95
- V Vucic, A Arsic, G Petrovic-Oggiano, M Glibetic. Comparision of phospholipid fractions in type 2 diabetic patients with different types of hyperlipidemia. 3rd Annual Meeting Diabetes and Cardiovaskular Disease easd study group (D&CVD), Belgrade, November 11-13, 2010. Book of Abstracts pp.55
- A Arsic, V Vucic, D Ristic-Medic, M Takic, M Glibetic. Alternations in serum phospholipids and phospholipid fraction in type 2 diabetic patients with hyperlipidemia. 3rd Annual Meeting Diabetes and Cardiovaskular Disease easd study group (D&CVD), Belgrade, November 11-13, 2010. Book of Abstracts pp.54
- G Petrovic-Oggiano, V Damjanov, M Gurinovic, M Glibetic, J Martačić-Debeljak, T Popovic, V Vucic, A Arsić, N Crncevic. The effects of three types of physical activity on the reduction of metabolic parameters involved in cardiovascular risk. 3rd Annual Meeting Diabetes and Cardiovaskular Disease easd study group (D&CVD), Belgrade, November 11-13, 2010. Book of Abstracts pp.66
- Vucic V, Arsic A, Tepsic J, Glibetic M. Antioksidativni status u studentskoj populaciji u Srbiji. Prvi kongres Mitohondrije i slobodni radikali u biomedicini. Beograd 2011. Knjiga sazetaka p84.
- Aleksandra Arsić, Sunčica Borozan, Sanja Mazić, Vesna Vučić. Parametri oksidativnog stresa kod vrhunskih sportistkinja-efekat tipa sporta. Prvi kongres Mitohondrije i slobodni radikali u biomedicini. Beograd 2011. Knjiga sazetaka p41.
- Tamara Popovic, Sunčica Borozan, Aleksandra Arsić, Jasmina Martačić-Debeljak, Vesna Vučić, Marija Glibetić. Efekti n-3 suplementacije na parametre oksidativnog stresa u jetri starih pacova wistar soja. Prvi kongres Mitohondrije i slobodni radikali u biomedicini. Beograd 2011. Knjiga sazetaka p80
- D Ristić-Medić, A Arsić, S Suzić, V Vučić, M Glibetic. Analiza povezanosti polinezasićenih masnih kiselina fosfilipida seruma i eritrocita sa lipidskim statusom pacijenata sa hiperlipidemijama. Drugi kongres endokrinologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Beograd, 2010. Knjiga apstrakata p78
- D Ristić-Medić, V Vučić, A Arsić, M Poštić, M Glibetic. Efekat različitih tretmana hiperlipidemija na omega-3 indeks u eritrocitima. Drugi kongres endokrinologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Beograd, 2010. Knjiga apstrakata p78
- Vucic V, Popovic T, Ranic M, Arsic A, Ristic-Medic D, Martačić-Debeljak J, Petrovic-Oggiano G, Bulajic P, Milicevic M, Glibetic M. Profil masnih kiselina fosfolipida seruma kod pacijenata sa hepatocelularnim karcinomom jetre – pilot studija. XLVII Kanceroloska nedelja, Beograd 2010.
- Vucic V, Novakovic R, Ristic-Medic D, Ngo J, Glibetic M, Gurinovic M. Evaluation of dietary intake methods in low-income populations in Europe. European Food Consumption Validation – EFCOVAL, Ottone, Utricht, The Netherland, 9.-10. September 2009. Book of Abstract, pp 29.
- Vučić V, Ristić Medić D, Suzić S, Takić M, Tepšić J, Glibetić M. Fatty acid profile in serum and erythrocyte membrane phospholipids in relation to serum lipids in overweight patient: effects of diet and fibrate therapy. 17th European Congress on Obesity, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6-9. May 2009. Obesity Facts 2009;2(suppl 2): pp75-76.
- Ristić Medić D, Suzić S, Vučić V, Takić M, Tepšić J, Glibetić M. Serum and erythrocyte membrane phospholipids fatty acid composition in overweight patients with hyperlipidemia: effects of dietary intervention and fibrate therapy. 17th European Congress on Obesity, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6-9. May 2009. Obesity Facts 2009;2(suppl 2): pp252.
- Petrović-Oggianno G, Damjanov V, Vučić V, Debeljak-Martačić J, Pavlović M,Glibetić M. The effects of three types of physical activity on reduction of metabolic parameters involved in cardiovascular risk. 19th International Congress of Nutrition, Bangkok, Thailand, October 4-9, 2009. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 55 (suppl 1), 2009, pp 600-601.
- Popović T, Arsić A, Borozan S, Debeljak-Martačić J, Vučić V, Tepšić J, de Luka S, Milovanović I, Glibetić M. Effects of omega-3 supplementation on plasma phospholipid fatty acids profile and oxidative stress parameters in aged wistar rats. Second Congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia with International participation “Current trends in physiological sciences”. Kragujevac, Srbija, 17.-20.9.2009. Abstract book pp 79.
- Djekić-Ivanković M, Savikin K, Zdunić G, Debeljak-Martačić J, Tepšić J, Popović T, Vučić V, Glibetić M. Effects of a new plant mixture HG5 on glucose and lipid level in patients with metabolic syndrom. Second Congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia with International participation “Current trends in physiological sciences”. Kragujevac, Srbija, 17.-20.9.2009. Abstract book pp 101.
- Tepšić J, Vučić V, Ristić-Medić D, Arsić A, Mazić S, Glibetić M. Biochemical status in elite sportsmen. Second Congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia with International participation “Current trends in physiological sciences”. Kragujevac, Srbija, 17.-20.9.2009. Abstract book pp 130.
- 28. Vesna Vucic. Intake methods in low income population. 4th Meeting of the UNU/SCN Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe (NCDNCEE),oral presentation, Belgrade, 10-12 November 2008.
- Vučić V, Ristić Medić D, Tepšić J, Arsić A, Takić M, Glibetić M. Efekat dijete na sastav masnih kiselina fosfolipida seruma kod pacijenata sa hiperholesterolemijom. Drugi kongres o hiperlipoproteinemijama Srbije sa medjunarodnim učešćem. Novi Sad, Srbija, 17.-19.9.2008. Zbornik sažetaka, pp 131.
- Ristić Medić D, Vučić V, Tepšić J, Arsić A, Takić M, Glibetić M. Uticaj ishrane na profil masnih kiselina fosfolipida seruma kod umereno gojaynih, hipertenzivnih pacijenata sa hiperholesterolemijom. Drugi kongres o hiperlipoproteinemijama Srbije sa medjunarodnim učešćem. Novi Sad, Srbija, 17.-19.9.2008. Zbornik sažetaka, pp 130.
- Tepšić J, Vučić V, Arsić A, Ristić Medić D, Mazić S, Glibetić M. Improved lipid profile and decreased HOMA index in professional basketball players. Prvi kongres endokrinologa Srbije sa medjunarodnim učešćem. Beograd, Srbija, 5.-7.12.2008. Abstract Book, pp
- Ristic-Medic D, Suzic S, Vucic V, Takic M, Tepsic J, Glibetic M. Serum and Erythrocyte Phospholipid Fatty Acid Composition in Dyslipidemia: Comparison Effect of Dietary Intervention and Fibrate Therapy. A Scientific Symposium with International Participation on “Current Trends in Physiology and Physiological Chemistry”, Belgrade, Serbia, 17-18.12.2008.
- Nićiforović A, Djordjevic J, Adžić M, Vučić V, Mitrasinovic PM, Radojčić MB.Experimental and systems biology studies of the radioresistance of prostate carcinoma cells. 234th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society Boston, MA, USA, 19-23, August 2007. Book of Abstracts MEDI 314, pp 177.
- Nićiforović A, Djordjevic J, Adžić M, Vučić V, Mitrasinovic PM, Radojčić MB. A kinetic study of the radioresistance of prostate carcinoma cells 234th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society Boston, MA, USA, 19-23, August 2007. Book of Abstracts BIOL165, pp.193-194.
- Vučić V, Radojčić BM, Ruždijić S. Synergistic effects of gamma-radiation and 8-Cl-cAMP in human prostate cancer (PC-3) cells. 8th “Tesla” Workshop: Nanoscience and Biomedicine with Ion Beams, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro (2005), Book of abstracts, pp. 17
- Vučić V, Adžić M, Ruždijić S, Radojčić MB. Comparison of Gamma Radiation-Induced Effects in two Human Prostate Cancer Cell Lines. 5th International Yugoslav Nuclear Society Conference, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro (2004) Proceedings, 429-432.
- Adžić M, Nićiforović A, Filipović D, Vučić V, Nešković-Konstantinović Z, Radojčić MB. Manganese Superoxid Dismutase level in blood cell of patients with breast cancer. 5th International Yugoslav Nuclear Society Conference, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro (2004) Proceedings, 391-397.
- Adžić M, Nićiforović A, Filipović D, Vučić V, Nešković-KonstantinovićZ, MB Radojčić. Manganese Superoxid Dismutase level in blood cell of patients with breast cancer. 5th International Yugoslav Nuclear Society Conference, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro (2004) Book of Abstracts, No. F2.2., p.42.
- Vučić V, Adžić M, Ruždijić S, Radojčić MB. Comparison of Gamma Radiation-Induced Effects in two Human Prostate Cancer Cell Lines 5th International Yugoslav Nuclear Society Conference, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro (2004) Book of Abstracts, No.F3.2., pp 45.
- Vučić V, Ruždijić S, Radojčić MB. Cytotoxic and antiproliferative effects of Ionizing Radiation and Nucleosise analogs on DU-145 Human Prostate Cancer Cells 29th FEBS Congress,26 June – 1 July 2004, Warsaw, POLAND, Book of abstracts, P4.1-06. pp 130.
- Vučić V, Radojčić BM, Ruždijić S. Cell growth inhibition in PC-3 human prostate cancer cells after treatment with gamma-radiation and 8-Cl-cAMP 29th ESMO Congress (European society for medical oncology), Vienna, Austria 29. Oct – 2. Nov, 2004. No 431P
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