Institut za medicinska istraživanja
Centar izuzetne vrednosti u oblasti istraživanja ishrane i metabolizma
Tadeuša Košćuška 1 ,11 000 Beograd
tel: 011 406 17 47
- 2014-2018. Doktorske akademske studije (modul Integrisane nauke o ishrani), Biološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
- 2014.-2018. Doktorske akademske studije (modul Ljudska ishrana), Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Klermon Overnja, Klermon Feran, Francuska (međunarodni program zajedničkog mentorstva pri izradi doktorske disertacije (,,Kotutela”))
Naslov teze: „Uticaj antocijana i njihovih metabolita na funkciju endotelnih ćelija i trombocita čoveka in vitro”
- Master ekologije, Biološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, prosečna ocena 10.00
- Diplomirani biolog, Biološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, prosečna ocena 9.63
- 2004-2008. IX Beogradska gimnazija (prirodno – matematički smer)
Radno iskustvo
- 02.04.2018.-danas. Institut za medicinska istraživanja, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Centar izuzetne vrednosti u oblasti istraživanja ishrane i metabolizma
- Novembar 2014.-Novembar 2017. Doktorand, Nacionalni institut za agronomska istraživanja (INRA), grupa za Mikronutrijente i kardiovaskularno zdravlje, odeljenje Ljudska ishrana, Klermon Feran, Francuska
Učešće u projektima
- Nacionalni projekti
- “Biološki mehanizmi, nutritivni unos i status polinezasićenih masnih kiselina i folata: Unapređenje ishrane u Srbiji” Ministarstva za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije, III 41030 (2011- )
- Učešće na projektima finansiranim od strane Evropske komisije
- COST Akcija: “Interindividualne varijacije u odgovoru na dijetni unos bioaktivnih sastojaka biljaka i determinante koje su uključene” (FA1403, POSITIVe- Interindividual variation in response to consumption of plant food bioactives and determinants involved)(2014-2018)
Kursevi i edukacija
- IUBMB Advanced School on Nutrition, Metabolism and Aging. 15th- 19th October 2018, Petnica Science Center, Petnica, Serbia.
- ,,Određivanje aktivnosti serin-treonin kinaza PamGene tehnologijom“, kratkoročna naučna poseta COST akcije POSITIVe, Laboratorija za hemiju proteina, proteomiku i epigenetsku regulaciju signalnih puteva (PPES), Odeljenje za biomedicinske nauke, Univerzitet u Antverpenu, 13.03.2017.-10.04.2017., Antverpen, Belgija
- II škola COST akcije POSITIVe: “Upotreba nutrigenetike i nutri(epi)genomike u istaživanju ishrane (engl. „Use of nutrigenetics & nutri(epi)genomics in nutrition“), 20.09.2017.- 22.09.2017, Solun, Grčka.
- Kurs komunikacijskih veština, 04.-05.01.2016., Doktorska škola bioloških nauka, zdravstva, poljoprivrede i životne sredine, Klermon Feran, Francuska
- Kurs upravljanja projektima, 21.-22.01.2016., Doktorska škola bioloških nauka, zdravstva, poljoprivrede i životne sredine, Klermon Feran, Francuska
Istraživačke tehnike
- Rad sa ćelijskim kulturama, ćelijski aseji (adhezija ćelija, transmigracija ćelija, testovi ćelijskog preživljavanja)
- Ekstrakcija DNK, RNK, elektroforeza na agaroznom gelu, RT-qPCR, makroraeji (TaqMan Low Density Array), miRNA mikroareji
- Ekstrakcija proteina, prečišćavanje, kvantifikacija proteina, imunobloting, aktivnost Ser/Thr kinaza
- Protočna citometrija, fluorescentna mikroskopija
- Merenje biohemisjkih i hematoloških parametara
- Bioinformatičke analize (analiza gena, signalnih puteva)
Rad na računaru
- Bionformatičke analize: GeneSpring (Agilent), Relative Quantitation software (ThermoFisher), MetaCore (GeneGo), KEGG pathways
- Statističi programi: Prism (GraphPad), SPSS (IBM)
- Cell Quest Pro (protočna citometrija), ImageJ (NIM)
- Microsoft Office – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop CS
Strani jezici
- Engleski jezik, napredan nivo
- Francuski jezik, srednji nivo
- Stipendista Francuske Vlade za doktorat u komentorstvu (2014-2018)
- Stipendista Fonda za mlade talente Srbije „ Dositeja“
Objavljeni radovi
Radovi u međunarodnim časopisima
- I. Krga, D. Milenkovic (2019). Anthocyanins: from sources and bioavailability to cardiovascular health benefits and molecular mechanisms of action. J Agric Food Chem., 67(7):1771-1783.(M21a, IF2018 3.571)
- I. Krga, R. Tamaian , S. Mercier, C. Boby , LE Monfoulet, M Glibetic , C Morand , D. Milenkovic (2018). Anthocyanins and their gut metabolites attenuate monocyte adhesion and transendothelial migration through nutrigenomic mechanisms regulating endothelial cell permeability, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 124, 364-379. (M21, IF2017 6.020)
- I. Krga, N. Vidovic, D. Milenkovic, A. Konic-Ristic, F. Stojanovic, C. Morand, M. Glibetic, Effects of anthocyanins and their gut metabolites on adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet activation and their aggregation with monocytes and neutrophils, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 645 (2018) 34-41. (M22, IF2016 3.165)
- I. Krga, D. Milenkovic, C. Morand, L.E. Monfoulet, An update on the role of nutrigenomic modulations in mediating the cardiovascular protective effect of fruit polyphenols, Food & Function, 7 (2016) 3656–3676. (M21, IF2016 3.247)
- I. Krga, L.E. Monfoulet, A. Konic-Ristic, S. Mercier, M. Glibetic, C. Morand, D. Milenkovic, Anthocyanins and their gut metabolites reduce the adhesion of monocyte to TNFα-activated endothelial cells at physiologically relevant concentrations, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 599 (2016) 51-59. (M22, IF2016 3.165)
Radovi u nacionalnim časopisima
- I. Krga, D. Pavlović, A. Anđelković, S. Đurović, D. Marisavljević. Osetljivost korovskih populacija u voćnjacima na glifosat, Zaštita bilja, 64 (2013) 125-133.
Saopštenja sa skupova
Usmene prezentacije
- I. Krga. 5th Serbian Biomarker Symposium (SERBIS 2019), Polyphenols and cardiovascular health 26th -28th March 2019., Belgrade, Serbia.
- I. Krga, R. Tamaian, S. Mercier, C. Boby, C. Morand, A. Pantovic, M. Glibetic, D. Milenkovic. Dietary anthocyanins and their metabolites decrease monocyte adhesion and migration across activated endothelial cells through mechanisms that regulate endothelial permeability. IUBMB Advanced School on Nutrition, Metabolism and Aging. 15th- 19th October 2018, Petnica Science Center, Petnica, Serbia, p. 16. (nagrada za najbolju usmenu prezentaciju)
- I. Krga, R. Tamaian, S. Mercier, C. Boby, C. Morand, M. Glibetic, D. Milenkovic. Dietary anthocyanins and their metabolites lower monocyte adhesion and diapedesis through mechanisms that regulate endothelial cell permeability. UNIFood Conference, Univeristy of Belgrade 210th Aniversary. 5th-6th October 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, FH3.
- I. Krga, S. Mercier, R. Tamaian, C. Boby, L-E. Monfoulet, C. Morand, D. Milenkovic. Anthocyanins and their gut metabolites attenuate monocyte adhesion and transendothelial migration through nutrigenomic mechanisms regulating endothelial cell permeability. 8th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, 3rd-6th October 2017, Quebec City, Canada.
- I. Krga. Effect of anthocyanins and their metabolites on endothelial and platelet function. Proteinchemistry, 17.03.2017, Proteomics & Epigenetic Signaling (PPES), University Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
- I. Krga. Effect of physiologically relevant concentrations of anthocyanins and their gut metabolites on adhesion of monocyte to TNFα-activated endothelial cells. Doctoral school days, 2nd– 3rd June 2016, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- I. Krga, S. Mercier, L-E. Monfoulet, C. Morand, A. Konic-Ristic, D. Milenkovic. Effect of physiologically-relevant concentrations of anthocyanins and their gut metabolites on monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells. 2nd Interregional annual conference on Nutrition and metabolism, Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne, 4th-5th November 2015, Saint Galmier, France (p.35).
Poster prezentacije
- I. Krga, N. Kardum, A. Konić Ristić, D. Milenkovic, A. Pantović, M. Glibetic. Impact of dietary phenolic acids on agonist-induced markers of platelet activation. UNIFood Conference, Univeristy of Belgrade 210th Aniversary. 5th-6th October 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, FHP10.
- I. Krga, N. Kardum, F. Stojanovic, A. Konic-Ristic, D. Milenkovic M. Glibetic. Effects of physiologically-relevant concentrations of anthocyanins and their gut metabolites on adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet activation and aggregation. 8th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, 3rd-6th October 2017, Quebec City, Canada (P04-071).
- I. Krga, R. Tamaian, C. Boby, S. Mercier, C. Morand, D. Milenkovic. Anthocyanins and their gut metabolites reduce monocyte adhesion and migration across TNF-activated endothelial cells through nutrigenomic mechanisms regulating endothelial integrity. 3rd Scientific Workshop: “Omics breakthroughs in the health effects of plant food bioactive”, 20th-21st September 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece (P8, Nagrada za najbolji poster).
- Konic-Ristic, I. Krga, N. Kardum, D. Milenkovic, M. Glibetic. Effects of physiologically-relevant concentrations of anthocyanins and their metabolites on adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet activation and aggregation. 1st Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia (CoMBoS). 20th-22nd September 2017, Belgrade, Serbia (p.144).
- I. Krga, C. Morand, C. Boby, L.E. Montfoulet, M. Glibetic, D. Milenkovic. Mixtures of anthocyanins and their gut metabolites attenuate monocyte adhesion and transendothelial migration through nutrigenomic mechanisms regulating endothelial cell permeability. 1st Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia (CoMBoS). 20th-22nd September 2017. Belgrade, Serbia (p. 50).
- I. Krga, S. Mercier, L-E. Monfoulet, C. Morand, A. Konic-Ristic, D. Milenkovic. Effect of anthocyanins and their microbiota metabolites on monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells at physiologically relevant concentrations, CRNH Auvergne Scientific day, 26th November 2015, Clermont-Ferrand, France (P02).
- I. Krga, L.E. Monfoulet, A. Konic-Ristic, S. Mercier, M. Glibetic, C. Morand, D. Milenkovic. Effect of anthocyanins and their gut metabolites on monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells at physiologically-relevant concentrations. 7th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, 27th-30th October 2015, Tours, France (P615, p.220).
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