Institut za Medicinska Istraživanja
Centar izuzetnih vrednosti u oblasti istrazivanja hrane i metabolizma
Tadeuša Košćuška 1
11000Beograd, Srbija
Telefon +381-11-2030169; 3031997
Mobilni telefon +381 69 12 52 010
- 2013-2019 Doktorske akademske studije: Modul – Integrisane nauke o ishrani, Biološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu; Stečeno zvanje: Doktor bioloških nauka;
Naslov doktorske disertacije: “Uticaj polifenola soka od nara (Punica granatum L.) na parametre oksidativnog stresa i masnokiselinski profil fosfolipida plazme i eritrocita osoba sa metaboličkim sindromom” - 2001-2008: Diplomske studije iz biohemije, Hemijski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
- 1997-2001: Deveta beogradska gimnazija
- Institut za medicinska istraživanja Univerziteta u Beogradu, Centar izuzetne vrednosti u oblasti istraživanja ishrane i metabolizma, 2012-
- Istraživač saradnik, Institut za medicinska istraživanja (IMI), Univerzitet u Beogradu, Centar izuzetne vrednosti u oblasti istraživanja ishrane i metabolizma, 2015-
- Istraživač pripravnik, Institut za medicinska istraživanja (IMI), Univerzitet u Beogradu, Centar izuzetne vrednosti u oblasti istraživanja ishrane i metabolizma, 2012-2015
- Biološki mehanizmi, nutritivni unos i status polinezasićenih masnih kiselina i folata: Unapređenje ishrane u Srbiji. Projekat Ministarstva za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije, broj projekta 41030 (2012-2016)
- Low cost technologies and traditional ingredients for the production of affordable, nutritionally correct foods improving health in population groups at risk of poverty (Chance) (FP7) (2012-2014)
- Beneficial effects of dietary bioactive peptides and polyphenols on cardiovascular health in humans (Bacchus) (FP7) (2012-2016)
- EFSA „Podrška sprovođenju nacionalne dijetarne studije uz primenu EU Menu metodologije: Istraživanje ishrane odralih starosti od 10 do 74 godina” – “Support to National Dietary Surveys in Compliance with the EU Menu methodology (sixth support) “The adults’ survey”, including subjects from 10 to 74 years old“ i
- EFSA „Podrška sprovođenju nacionalne dijetarne studije uz primenu EU Menu metodologije: Istraživanje ishrane dece starosti od 3 meseca do 9 godina” -“Support to National Dietary Surveys in Compliance with the EU Menu methodology (sixth support) “The children’s survey”, including subjects from three months up to 9 years old” (2017-2022).
- COST AKCIJA: “Primena molekularne biofizike u razvoju biologije i zdravstvene zaštite” (CA 15126 ARBRE MOBIEU: “Between Atom and Cell: Integrating Molecular Biophysics Approaches for Biology and Healthcare (MOBIEU)”), koordinisan od Insituta Paster, Francuska (2016-2020)
- “XXXIV Advanced Course of Medicinal Chemistry and “E. Duranti” National Seminar for PhD Students”, European School of Medicinal Chemistry, June 29‐July 4 2014, Urbino, Italy
- “The Right Way‐From Sample to Data”, Agilent seminar, November 7th 2012, Belgrade, Serbia
- “Building the Future Together”, Agilent seminar, October 15th 2013, Belgrade, Serbia
- “Breaking bad old habits with new instruments”, October 22nd 2014, Belgrade, Serbia
- “Mass Spectrometry Solutions”, Symposium SUPERLAB, November 7th 2014, Belgrade, Serbia
- “Bringing You the Solution”, Agilent seminar, March 8th 2016, Belgrade, Serbia
- “Annual Workshops with DSP Chromatography”, Agilent seminar, March 7th, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia
- “Inteligent GC-Inovation for your laboratory”, Agilent seminar, May 16th, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia
- Uspešno završena obuka za sprovođenje anketnog istraživanja u skladu sa EU menu metodološkim principima i protokolima u okviru nacionalne dijetarne studije koja je realizovana pod pokroviteljstvom evropskog regulatornog tela za bezbednost hrane, 2018-2021. godine
- Nagrada za najbolji naučnoistraživački rad mladog istraživača“Dr Vera i Dušan Kentera” za 2017. godinu koju dodeljuje Institut za medicinska istraživanja Univerziteta u Beogradu
- Popovic B. Tamara, Borozan Z. Suncica, Takic M. Marija, Kojadinovic I. Milica, Rankovic Slavica, Ranic Marija. De Luka R. Silvio, “Fatty Acid Composition and Oxidative Stress Parameters in Plasma after Fish Oil Supplementation in Aging”, Croatica Chemica Acta 2014, 87 (3), 207-212. (IF 0.556, 121/148)
- Kojadinovic Milica, Arsic Aleksandra, Debeljak-Martacic Jasmina, Konic-Ristic Aleksandra, Kardum Nevena, Popovic Tamara, Glibetic Marija, “Pomegranate juice consumption decrease blood lipid peroxidation and level of arachidonic acid in women with metabolic syndrome”, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2016; doi: 10.1002/jsfa.7977. (IF 2.463, Food Science & Technology 30/125, 2016)
- Kardum Nevena, Konic-Ristic Aleksandra, Zec Manja, Kojadinovic Milica, Petrovic-Oggiano Gordana, Zekovic Milica, Kroon Paul A, Glibetic Maria, “Design, formulation and sensory evaluation of a polyphenol-rich food placebo: an example of Aronia juice for food intervention studies”. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, January ID: IIJF 1283682(IF 1.444, Food Science & Technology (63/130))
- Milica Kojadinović, Aleksandra Arsić, Gordana Petrović-Oggiano, Marija Gavrović-Jankulović, Marija Glibetić and Milica Popović, Effects of urolithins on oxidative stress of colorectal adenocarcinomacells-Caco-2, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2017; 68, pages 952-959, (oblast: Food Science & Technology 44/133)
- Kojadinovic Milica, Arsic Aleksandra, Popovic Tamara, Kardum Nevena, Konic‐Ristic Aleksandra, Glibetic Marija, “Effect of pomegranate juice consumption on lipid profile and blood pressure in patients with metabolic syndrome”, 3rd congress of physiological sciences of Serbia with international participation, October 29‐31, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Book of abstracts, pp 128
- Petrovic‐Oggiano G, Popovic T, Debeljak‐Martacic J., Postic M., Kojadinovic M., Ristic‐Medic D., Vucic V., Glibetic M. “Gendere difference in the lipid status of men and women with hyperlipidemia before and after menopause”. Third congress of endocrinology of Serbia with international participation, October 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, Book of abstracts, pp40
- Popovic Tamara, Arsic Aleksandra, Debeljak Martacic Jasmina, Petrovic Oggiano Gordana, Kojadinovic Milica, Gurinovic Mirjana, Glibetic Marija, “Traditional Food‐ Habits and Consumer Perception in Serbia”, The 2nd International Symposium on “Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus”, 24‐26 October 2013, Struga (Ohrid Lake), Macedonia, Book of abstracts, pp 61
- Popovic Tamara, Milutinovic-RasicZorica, BorozanSuncica, Kojadinovic Milica, Arsic Aleksandra, Debeljak-MartacicJasmina, GlibeticMarija, “Effect of supplementation with fish oil on concentration of HDL cholesterol and activity of PON in patients with diabetes mellitus 2”, 33. Days of Smederevo, Smederevo26-27 March, 2015, poster presentation
- Kojadinovic Milica, Arsic Aleksandra, Konic-Ristic Aleksandra, Kardum Nevena, Novakovic Miroslav, Jadranin Milka, Glibetic Marija, “Pomegranate juice consumption decrease level of arachidonic acid in plasma in women with metabolic syndrome: a pilot study”, 3-5 June 2015, St Julian’s, Malta, Book of abstracts, pp 145
- Kojadinovic Milica, Arsic Aleksandra, Konic Ristic Aleksandra, Kardum Nevena, Popovic Tamara, Martacic Debeljak Jasmina, Glibetic Marija, “Changes in the membrane phospholipid composition in erythrocytes at patients with metabolic syndrome after consumption of pomegranate juice”, FEBS 3+Meeting Molecules of Life, 16-19 September 2015, Portoroz, Slovenia, Book of abstracts, pp 166
- PetrovicOggiano Gordana, Debeljak Martacic Jasmina, Popovic Tamara, Rankovic Slavica, Pokimica BIljana, Kojadinovic Milica, GlibeticMarija, “Influence of sugar consumption on health status”, 13th Congress of Nutrition “Food and Nutrition-A roadmap to Better Health”, 26-28th October 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, Book of abstract, pp 163
- Kojadinovic Milica, Popovic Milica, Arsic Aleksandra, DebeljakMartacicJasmina, GlibeticMarija, “Effect of elagitannins on oxidative stress of colorectal adenocarcinoma cells-Caco-2”, 13th Congress of Nutrition “Food and Nutrition-A roadmap to Better Health”, 26-28th October 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, Book of abstract, pp 245, oral presentation
- Kojadinovic Milica, Popovic Tamara, Popovic Milica, “Interactions of different urolithins with bovine serum albumin”, Plenary meeting of the Associtaion of Resources for Biophysical Research in Europe-Molecular Biophysics in Europe (Arbre-Mobieu), COST Action CA 15126, 22-24th March 2017, Porto, Portugal
- Popovic Tamara, Debeljak-Martacic Jasmina, Kojadinovic Milica, Glibetic Marija, de Luka Silvio, Trbovic Aleksandar, “Influence of SMF(128mT) on brain tissue fatty acids composition”, 7th congress of Serbian neuroscience society with international participation, 25-27th October 2017, Belgrade, Serbia
- Petrovic Oggiano Gordana, Popovic Tamara, Debeljak-Martacic Jasmina, Zec Manja, Pokimica Biljana, Takic Marija, Kojadinovic Milica, Rankovic Slavica, Djuric Zora, Glibetic Marija. “The content of mineral and fatty acid compounds of walnut cultivars in Serbia in comparation with walnut cultivars in EU and some non EU countries”, Serbian Biomarker Symposium-Nutrition Biomarkers for Disease Prevention, 26-27th March 2019, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Arsic Aleksandra, Kojadinovic Milica, Popovic Milica, Petrovic Snjezana, Ristic MedicDanijela, Glibetic Marija, “Pomegranate juice decrease activity of glutathione peroxidase in subjects with metabolic syndrome”, Joint meeting of national physiological societies “New perspectives in physiological research-young investigator forum”, 25-27 th May, Subotica, Serbia.
- Kojadinovic Milica I, Arsic Aleksandra C, Popovic Tamara B, Debeljak-Martacic Jasmina D, Stokic Edita J, Mandic Anamarija I. “Effects of gluten-free buckwheat cookies on plasma phospholipid fatty acid profile in healthy women”. FEBS OPEN BIO, 7-12th July 2018, Prague, Chez Republic, 8(1), 481-482, poster presentation.
- Kojadinovic Milica, Arsic Aleksandra, Kardum Nevena, Jelenkovic Ana, Popovic Milica, Debljak-Martacic Jasmina, Glibetic Marija. “Changes in the membrane phospholipid compositions in erythrocytes in subjects with metabolic syndrome after short term consuming of a pomegranate juice”, 18-20th March, Zagreb, Croatia.
- Kojadinovic Milica, Arsic Aleksandra, Popovic Milica. “Interactions of different Urolithins with Human Serum Albumin”. 19-21st March 2018, Warsaw, Poland.
- Petrović-Oggiano Gordana, Popović Tamara, Djurić Zora, Pokimica Biljana, Mirić Alma, Kojadinović Milica, Zec Manja, Ranković Slavica, Nikolić Marina, Glibetić Marija, Debeljak-Martačić Jasmina. „Evaluation of walnuts fatty acids, total phenolics of walnut cultivars in Serbia“. 4thChallenges in Redox medicine, September 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, pp 59 (P13).
- Debeljak Martačić Jasmina, Popović Tamara, Pokimica Biljana, Ranković Slavica, Petrović-Oggiano Gordana, Kojadinović Milica, Mojsilović Slavko, Glibetić Marija. „Effect of n-acetyl L-cysteine on proliferation of dental tissue stem cells: a proposed mechanism action“. 4th Challenges in Redox medicine, September, 2018, Book of Abstracts, pp 80 (P34).
- Kojadinovic Milica, Arsic Aleksandra, Kardum Nevena, Jelenkovic Ana, Popovic Milica, Debeljak-Martacic Jasmina, Glibetic Marija. „Changes in the membrane phospholipid consumption in erythrocytes in subjects with metabolic syndrome after short term consuming of a pomegranate juice“. COST action Molecular Biophysics: ABC of the puzzle of LifeARBRE-MOBIEU Plenary Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, March 18-20, 2019.
Druge aktivnosti
2012. Član biohemijskog društva Srbije
2014. Član društva fiziologa Srbije
- Serbian (Native)
- English (Fluent)
- Spanish (Basic)
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