Institut za medicinska istraživanja
Centar izuzetne vrednosti u oblasti ishrane i metabolizma
Tadeuša Košćuška 1
11 000 Beograd
tel: 011 3031997
- srednja škola »Leskovačka gimnazija«, Leskovac, 1994
- Farmaceutski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2002
- Magistarske studije: smer- Bromatologija; oblast: nauka o hrani i ishrani, Farmaceutski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, tema: Antiproliferativno delovanje dijetarnih izotiocijanata kao sastojaka povrtarskih vrsta familije Brassicaceae, 2002-
- Doktorske poslediplomske studije: smer- Bromatologija; oblast: Nauka o hrani i ishrani, Farmaceutski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2006-2013
Radno iskustvo
- Farmaceutski fakultet, Institut za bromatologiju , 2002-2009
- Institut za medicinska istraživanja, Laboratorija za ishranu i metabolizam, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2009-danas
Izbor u istraživačka i naučna zvanja
- istraživač saradnik, Institut za onkologiju i radiologiju Srbije, 2002
- saradnik u nastavi, Institut za bromatologiju, Farmaceutski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2002-2007
- asistent, Institut za bromatologiju, Farmaceutski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2007-
- istraživač saradnik, Institut za medicinska istraživanja (IMI), Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2010
Članstvo u udruženjima
- Društvo farmaceuta Srbije
- Srpsko društva za ishranu
- Društvo imunologa Srbije
Učešće u projektima: nacionalni naučni projekt
- Bioaktivni molekuli u onkologiji (MNTRS 1614) (2003-2005)
- Ispitivanja delovanja modulatora biološkog odgovora u fiziološkim uslovima i patološkim stanjima (MNTRS 145006) (2005-2007)
- Biljni proizvodi u preventivi i terapiji nezaraznih hroničnih oboljenja kod ljudi (MNTRS 20045) (2008-2010)
- Razvoj novih terapijskih postupaka u prevenciji i lečenju bolesti jetre-uloga i mehanizam delovanja polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (MNTRS 145071) (2009-2010).
Projekti koje finansira Evropska komisija
- Eurreca FP6- EUropean micronutrient REcommendations Aligned, RA 1.1. Intake Methods. RA 1.2. Status methods RA 2.3 i 6. Adults and Elderly . RA 2.7 Low Incomme and Immigrants. RA 3.1 Mata analyses , RA 3.2. Classical nutrition studies, RA 3.3 Bioavailability micronutrient, RA 3.5 Nutrition inadequacy
- BaSeFOOD FP7 – Sustainable exploitation of bioactive components from the Black Sea Area traditional foods is a collaborative research program funded by the European Commission
- Capacity development: NCDNCEE and EURRECA training 11-12th November, Belgrade, Serbia, 2009 Basefoods Food Indexing Training Course, 9-11th November, 2009, Belgrade, Serbia
- Training in Nutritional and Lifestyle Epidemiology, Evidence in Nutritional Research 9th Edition, 21-25th September, 2009, Wageningen, the Netherlands (1.5 ECTS) organized by the Graduate School VLAG in co-operation with the division of Human Nutrition of Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
- EuroFIR Course on “Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition”, 6.-17th October, 2008, Bratislava, Slovak Republik, organized by Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen UR, the Netherlands, the VUP Food Research Institute, Slovak Republic in co-operation with European Food Information Resource Network
- Edukativni seminar “Publikovanje u biomedicini-naučnoistraživački rad i prezentovanje rezultata istraživanja” , 1-2. april, 2005, Novi Sad, Srbija u organizaciji Centra za kontinuiranu edukaciju u zdravstvu Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Novom Sadu.
- Individualna obuka iz oblasti Organizovanja uporednih međulaboratorijskih ispitivanja, 19.-25. novembar 2007. Laboratori Agroalimentari, Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Action, Generalitat of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain (sponzorisana od Evropske agencije za rekonstrukciju i razvoj
SPISAK RADOVA Radovi objavljeni u časopisu međunarodnog značaja (zbir IF 12.487)
Rad u vrhunskom međunarodnom časopisu (M21)
- Besu I, Jankovic L, Magdu IU, Konic-Ristic A, Raskovic S, Juranic Z. Humoral immunity to cow’s milk proteins and gliadin within the etiology of recurrent aphthous ulcers? Oral Diseases. 2009;15(8):560-4. (IF 2008 2.087; 9/55)
Rad u istaknutom međunarodnom časopisu (M22)
- Stanojković TP, Konić-Ristić A, Juranić ZD, Savikin K, Zdunić G, Menković N, Jadranin M. Cytotoxic and cell cycle effects induced by two herbal extracts on human cervix carcinoma and human breast cancer cell lines. J Med Food. 2010 Feb 19.(IF2008 1.288; 42/107)
- Juranic Z, Radic J, Konic-Ristic A, Jelic S, Mihaljevic B, Stankovic I, Matkovic S, Besu I, Gavrilović D. Humoral immunoreactivity to gliadin and to tissue transglutaminase is present in some patients with multiple myeloma. BMC Immunology. 2008; 9:22 (IF2007 2.673; 56/119)
- Konic-Ristic A, Dodig D, Krstic R, Jelic S, Stankovic I, Ninkovic A, Radic J, Besu I, Bonaci-Nikolic B, Jojic N, Djordjevic M, Popovic D, Juranic Z. Different levels of humoral immunoreactivity to different wheat cultivars gliadin are present in patients with celiac disease and in patients with multiple myeloma. BMC Immunology. 2009;10:32 (IF2007 2.673; 56/119)
- Juranic Z, Radic J, Konic-Ristic A, Jelic S, Besu I, Mihaljevic B. Antibodies contained in M component of some patients with multiple myeloma are directed to food antigens? Leukemia Research 2006; 30: 1585-6 (IF2006 2.483; 60/126)
Radovi u međunarodnom časopisu (M23)
- Juranić ZD, Besu I, Jelić S, Konić-Ristić A, Matković S, Janković L, Gavrilović D, Radojcić B, Minić I. Some patients with NHL possessed immunoreactivity to gliadin and to cow’s milk proteins. International Journal of Hematology. 2009 ;90(2):212-6. (IF2008 1.283; 53/62)
Saopštenje sa medjunarodnog skupa štampano u celini (M33)
- Šobajić S, Andonov A, Đuričić I, Đorđević B, Konić-Ristić A. Effect of dietary supplementation with algal omega-3 lipids on fatty acid composition of egg yolks. Vitamine und Zusatzstoffe in der Ernahrung von Mensch und Tier. Editors R. Schubert, G. Flaschowsky, G. Jahreis, R. Bitsch, Friedrich Schiller Universitat, 2005; 369-372.
Saopštenja sa medjunarodnog skupa štampano u izvodu (M34)
- Popovic T, Debeljak-Martacic J, Tepic J, Kujundzic S, Konic-Ristic A, Glibetic M, Gurinovic M. Analytical analysis of traditional foods: Filling the gap in Serbian FCDB information. 3rd International EuroFIR Congress, 8th-10th September, 2009, Vienna, Austria. Abstract Book pp 3_57.
- Konic-Ristic A, Besu I, Djordjevic M, Stankovic I, Jojic N, Bonaci-Nikolic B, Popovic D, Juranic I. Immunity to cows milk proteins and phytohemagglutinin is also found in patients with celiac disease. 2nd European Congress of Immunology, 13th-16th September, 2009, Berlin, Germany. European Journal of Immunology, 39 (S1), S705, 2009.
- Besu I, Juranic Z, Djordjevic M, Konic-Ristic A, Filipovic-Ljeskovic I, Babovic N, Jelic S. The existance of humoral immunity to gliadin and cows milk proteins in patients with prostatic disease, ECCO 15-The European Cancer Conference, 20-24th September 2009, Berlin, Germany. EJC Supplements, 7(2), 102, 2009.
- Djordjevic M, Maric I, Konic-Ristic A, Besu I, Dodig D, Stankovic I, Juranic I. Immunity to food antigens in patients with Balkan endemic nephropathy. 2nd European Congress of Immunology, 13th-16th September, 2009, Berlin, Germany. European Journal of Immunology, 39 (S1), S714, 2009.
- Besu I, Jankovic L, Ursu Magdu I, Konic-Ristic A, Raskovic S, Zizak Z, Juranic Z. Humoral immunity to cow’s milk proteins and gliadin in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis. 2nd European Congress of Immunology, 13th-16th September, 2009, Berlin, Germany. European Journal of Immunology, 39 (S1), S703, 2009.
- Konic-Ristic A, Dodig D, Krstic R, Jelic S, Stankovic S, Juranic Z. There is different content of immunogenic gliadin epitopes in various wheat cultivars. First European Food Congress, November, 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Delegate Manual,T227.
- Konic-Ristic A, Juranic Z, Stanojkovic T, Miletic I, Stankovic S . Effects of human sera and PBMC on neoplastic colon cell line after broccoli sprouts consumption. The 12th International Congress PHYTOPHARM 2008, 2-4th July, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Abstract Book, p. 68.
- Besu I, Konic-Ristic A, Jelic S, Minic I, Matkovic S, Jankovic L, Mihaljevic B, Juranic Z. The existence of humoral immunity to gliadin and cow’s milk proteins in patients with lymphoma, ECCO 14-The European Cancer Conference, 23 -27th September 2007, Barcelona, Spain. EJC Supplements, 5(4), 348, 2009.
- Šobajić S, Andonov A, Đuričić I, Đorđević B, Konić-Ristić A. Effect of dietary supplementation with algal omega-3 lipids on fatty acid composition of egg yolks. 10th Symposium Vitamins and Additives in Nutrition of Man and Animal, 28-29th September, 2005, Jena, Germany, Abstract book p. 72.
- Konic-Ristic A, Vidovic B, Sobajic S, Stankovic I, Djordjevic B. Prevalence rates and trends on underweight normal weight and overweight/obesity among pharmacy student population in Serbia, 10th European nutrition Conference, 10-13th July 2007, Paris, France. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 51(suppl 1), 302, 2007.
- Konic-Ristic A, Juranic Z, Besu I, Stankovic I. Dietary proteins affect PBMC proliferation In Vitro in patients with Hodgkin¢s disease. I World Congress of Public Health Nutrition, 28-30th September 2006, Barcelona, Spain. Public Health Nutrition, 9(7A), 225, 2006.
- Juranic Z, Konic-Ristic A, Besu I, Jelic S, Milanovic N, Mihaljeivc B. Immunoreactivity to food antigens is sometimes present in patients with hematological diseases, I World Congress of Public Health Nutrition, 28-30th September 2006, Barcelona, Spain. Public Health Nutrition, 9(7A), 261, 2006.
- Besu I, Juranic Z, Konic-Ristic A, Golubicic-Magazinovic I, Mihaljevic B, Milanovic N, Grubic B. The existence of humoral immunity to cows milk proteins in patients with Hodgkins disease. 16th European Congress of Immunology, 6-9th September, Paris, France. Book of Abstracts, pp 1937.
- Konic-Ristic A, Juranic Z, Besu I, Jelic S, Milanovic N, Marinkovic M, Milosevic D, Stankovic I, Stanojevic-Bakic N. The immunoreactivity of serum immunoglobulins with gliadin in patients with myeloma multiplex and non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma, ECCO 13-The European Cancer Conference, 30 October- 3 November 2005, Paris, France. EJC Supplements, 3(2), 152, 2005.
- Stanojkovic T, Juranic Z, Konic-Ristic A, Zizak Z, Tasic S. Cytotoxic and cell cycle effects induced by two aqueous-ethanol herbal extracts on human cervix carcinoma and human breast cancer cell lines, ECCO 13-The European Cancer Conference, 30 October- 3 November 2005, Paris, France. EJC Supplements, 3(2), 62, 2005.
- Konic-Ristic A, Juranic Z, Stanojkovic T. Sulforaphane Affects PBMC Proliferation In Vitro, 12th International Congress of Immunology, July 2004, Montreal, Canada.
Rad u vodećem časopisu nacionalnog značaja (M51)
- Juranic Z, Besu I, Dajak M, Konic-Ristic A. Could the use of appropriate diet help in the prevention of multiple myeloma? Ј BUON. 2009;14(2):321-2.
Rad u naučnom časopisu (M53)
- Cerović A, Miletić I, Konic-Ristic A, Baralic I, Djordjevic B, Djuricic I, Radusinović M. The dry plant extract of common bean seed (Phaseoli vulgari pericarpium) does not have an affect on postprandial glycemia in healthy human subjects. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2006; 6: 28-33
- Konić-Ristić A, Šobajić S. Rezidualni sumpor-dioksid u uzorcima suvog voća sa beogradskog trzišta, Hrana i ishrana 46 (3-4), 51-55, 2005
Saopštenja sa sa skupa nacionalnog značaja štampano u celini (M63)
- Stanković I, Konić-Ristić A. Probiotici, prebiotici i sinbiotici. 53. Simpozijum Farmaceutskog društva Srbije, Kopaonik, Srbija, 4.-6. jun 2009. Arhiv za farmaciju 59(2-3), 169-181, 2009.
- Đorđević B, Konić-Ristić A, Vidović B. Kalcijum kao najzastupljenija mineralna materija u organizmu. Hrana i lekovi 2007, Zlatibor, Srbija, 15.-18. april 2007. Zbornik radova str. 15-19.
- Miletić I, Konić-Ristić A, Đorđević B. Optimalna dijeta tokom trudnoće i dojenja. 48. Simpozijum Farmaceutskog društva Srbije, Kopaonik, Srbija, 15.-18. jun. 2006. Arhiv za farmaciju 56(3), 260-269, 2006.
- Miletić I, Konić-Ristić A, Đorđević B. Dijetetska hrana namenjena bebama i maloj deci. 47. Simpozijum Farmaceutskog društva Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija, 13.-16. oktobar 2005. Arhiv za farmaciju, 55 (4), 329-337, 2005.
Saopštenja sa sa skupa nacionalnog značaja štampano u izvodu (M64)
- Konić-Ristić A, Stanković I, Juranić Z, Stanojković T. Antiproliferativno delovanje dijetarnih izotijocijanata na malignim ćelijskim linijama In Vitro. IV Kongres farmaceuta Srbije, Beograd, Srbija, 28. novembar-2. decembar 2006. Arhiv za farmaciju, 56 (4), 576-577, 2006, pp 86
- Konić-Ristić A, Juranić Z, Stanković I, Stanojković T. Ispitivanje citotoksičnog delovanja dijetarnih izotiocijanata i njihova upotreba u dijetetskim suplementima (usmena prezentacija), Prvi kongres o dijetetskim suplementima sa međunarodnim učešćem, 15.-17. mart 2007, Beograd, Srbija.
- Đorđević B, Konić-Ristić A. Sastojci vina sa potencijalno protektivnim efektima na kardiovaskularni sistem. Drugi kongres o hiperlipoproteinemijama Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem. Novi Sad, Srbija, 17.-19. novembar 2008. Zbornik sažetaka str. 38.
- Konić-Ristić А, Konić P, Stanković I, Đorđević B, Baralić I . Sadržaj estradiola u komercijalnom mleku na našem trzištu, Simpozijum Mleko i proizvodi od mleka, Tara, Srbija, 6.-10. april 2005. Zbornik radova, str. 69-70.
- Baralic I, Miletic I, Sobajic S, Djuricic I, Konic-Ristic A. Efekat voćnih napitaka na bazi surutke na nivo sekrecije salivarnog IgA kod karatista Simpozijum Mleko i proizvodi od mleka, Tara, Srbija, 6.-10. april 2005. Zbornik radova, str. 72-73
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