Dr Sc. Marija Ranić, naučni saradnik

Institut za medicinska istraživanja
Centar izuzetne vrednosti u oblasti istraživanja ishrane i metabolizma
Tadeuša Košćuška 1
11 000 Beograd
tel: 011 3031997
e-mail: marija.ranic@gmail.com
Administrator sajtova:


2015  Odbranila doktorsku disertaciju  pod nazivom “Antioksidativna aktivnost kafe i otpadne kafe i njihov uticaj na aktivaciju trombocita”, na Tehnološko metalurškom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, Katedra za biohemijsko inžinjerstvo i biotehnologiju

1994 Diplomirala na Tehnološko metalurškom fakultetu
Univerziteta u Beogradu

Radno iskustvo

2017-2018 Technical business development manager, EuroFIR AISBL, Brisel, Belgija

1996 – danas  Zaposlena na Institutu za medicinska istraživanja
Laboratorija za ishranu i metabolizam, zvanje naučni saradnik

1995 – 1996 Zaposlena na Tehnološko-metalurškom fakultetu
Univerziteta u Beogradu na Katedri za organsku hemije

Učešće na nacionalnim projektima

  • III 41030- Biološki mehanizmi, nutritivni unos i status polinezasićenih kiselina i folata: Unapređenje ishrane u Srbiji (2011 – 2015)
  • TR31035 Primena biotehnoloških metoda u održivom iskorišćenju nus-proizvoda agroindustrije (2011- 2015)
  • MNTRS 145071 Razvoj novih terapijskih postupaka u prevenciji i lečenju bolesti jetre -uloga i mehanizam delovanja polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (2006 – 2010)
  • MNTRS 1744 Ishrana kao faktor rizika, profilaktički i terapijski faktor za zdravlje i masovne nezarazne bolesti populacije (2001- 2005);
  • 13M16/3 Ishrana kao morbogeni i profilaktički činilac (1996 –2001)

Učešće na projektima Evropske komisije

  • NASCENT – Horizon 2020 – Nutritional labelling software and claims: Service, training and innovation offering to SMEs and industry, www.eurofir.org/our-resources/past-projects/nascent/, (2017 – 2018)
  • BACCHUSS-FP7-Beneficial effects of dietary bioactive peptides and polyphenols on CVD health in humans, http://www.bacchus-fp7.eu, (2012-2016)
  • CHANCE FP7 -Low Cost tecHnologies and traditional ingredients for the production of Affordable, Nutritionally correct, Convenient foods enhancing hEalth in population groups at risk of poverty, www.chancefood.eu, (2011-2014)
  • EuroFIR –Nexus FP7-EuroFIR Food Platform: further integration, refinement and exploitation for its long-term self-sustainability, www.eurofir.org, (2011-2013)
  • European Food Safety Authority, EFSA “Dietary monitoring tools for risk assessment” (2012-2013)
  • BaSeFood FP7 – Sustainable exploitation of bioactive components from the Black Sea Area traditional foods, www.basefood-fp7.eu, (2009-2012)
  • EURRECCA FP6- Harmonising nutrient recommendations across Europe with special focus on vulnerable groups and consumer understanding (NoE), www.eurreca.org, (2007-2012)
  • EuroFIR FP6-European Food Information Resource Network (NoE), www.eurofir.net, (2006-2010)


Treninzi i radionice

  • 2017-2018 IMP³rove – European Innovation Management Academy (Dusseldorf, DE) innovation management support for the European SME Innovation Associate (in the frame of NASCENT project), 14-16 November 2017, Berlin, Germany; 9-11 January 2018, Berlin, Germany; 6-8 March 2018, Munich, Germany; 7-9 May 2018, Madrid, Spain
  • 2018 European legislation for food labelling and food supplements and opportunities for business development/marketing in Italy, Hylobates Consulting, 11– 14 June,  Rome, Italy
  • 2018 Nutritional Labelling Software training, Nutritics, 17-18 April, Dublin, Ireland
  • 2018 Recipe Analysis: Maximising Accuracy, Susan Church, 20 April, London, UK
  • 2018 Training on nutrition regulation and business applications in Europe, particularly in Netherlands and Belgium, Loekintofood-gcv and Nutrition Consultants Cooperative, during March, Brussels, Belgium
  • 2018 Recipe Analysis consultation with Susan Church, 9 February, London, UK
  • 2018 Advanced Recipe Calculation Certification, Nutritics, 8 February, London, UK
  • 2017 Training on the use of food composition data, calculations for nutritional labelling and data quality and validation, Quadram Institute Bioscience, 5-8 December, Norwich, UK
  • 2016 Stanford University online course: Writing in Sciences – with Distinction
  • 2013 MAITRE seminar: Communicating Food Science in Belgrade, 10-11 December, Belgrade, Serbia
  • 2013 FAO “Workshop on Developing knowledge-sharing partnerships in Europe and Central Asia”, jointly organized by FAO and GAK, Godollo University, 4-6 December, Budapest and Godollo, Hungary
  • 2013 Food & Health Entrepreneurship Program (FHEP) one-week course open for international academic researchers and engineers working in the field of food science and nutrition to move ahead their research to the market, 27-31 May, Barcelona, Spain
  • 2012 Traditional Food International (TFI-2012); The Street Food Seminar, October 4-5, Cesena, Italy
  • 2011 FAO Advanced Security in The Field (BSITF) Certificate – on-line training course
  • 2011 FAO Basic Security In The Field (BSITF) Certificate – on-line training course
  • 2011 FAO Regional Workshop on the Development of Thematic Knowledge Networks, organised by FAO REU, 12-15 April, Budapest, Hungary
  • 2011 Communication Star 2011 workshop – Improving the Communication of Agri-Food research results – Dissemination strategies in food research projects, 1 March, Brussels, Belgium
  • 2010 FAO Regional Workshop on the “Development of Thematic Knowledge Networks”, in the framework of “Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development” (CIARD). Creation of new national Agroweb entry points using the common structure and features developed under Typo 3 CMS, 9-11 March, Budapest, Hungary
  • 2009 EuroFIR Workshop: EuroFIR E-learning Demo, 10 September, Vienna, Austria
  • 2009 FOCUS-BALKANS (Food Consumer Science in the Balkans, FP7) Training module about Food Consumer Science (Frameworks, Protocols and Networks for a better Knowledge of Food Behaviour), 22-23 June, Ohrid, Macedonia
  • 2009 EURRECA SoE/IA2 Media Training: Media; Nutrition Software; RA2 Workshop: Data extraction for narrative reviews and meta-analysis, 10-11 June, Barcelona, Spain
  • 2009 Using of Gray literature in research, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies, 7-8 May, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • 2009 Eurreca Training – Media and Communication training: Making the most of the Eurreca (EUropean micronutrient REcommendations Aligned, FP6) Network of Excellence, 31 March – 3 April 2009, Rome, Italy.
  • 2009 Training on structure, function and data entry systems of EuroFIR BASIS (FP6). Evaluation and inputting of compositional data on flavanones in plant foods, February-March 2009, Institute for Food Research, Norwich, UK
  • 2008 FAO Typo3 CMS consultations and training on Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition Central and Eastern Europe (NCDN CEE) website development, December 2008, FAO REU, Budapest, Hungary.
  • 2006 INFOMA QUALITY CMS Engineer and Administrator Seminary , Belgrade, Serbia​​



2009 Grant for training on structure, function and data entry systems of EuroFIR BASIS (FP6). Evaluation and inputting of compositional data on flavanones in plant foods, Februar-March 2009, IFR, Norwich, UK
1994/1995 Awarded the scholarship from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Serbia, as a talent for scientific work
1994 Awarded the scholarship from the Voronezh State Technological Academy, Russia, Department of Analytical Chemistry

Usmene/poster prezentacije – sastanci i kongresi

  • By-products of Coffee – Sustainable Exploitation by Extraction of Natural Antioxidants from Spent Coffee Grounds, oral presentation, Marija Ranic, BROKERAGE EVENT – III, FUNCTIONAL FOODS AND HEALTH,  TÜBİTAK MAM Food Institute, Gebze – Kocaeli, TURKEY, 19-20 March, 2015
  • Internet-based communication support for UNU/SCN Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition (and other Thematic Knowledge Networks),oral presentation, Maria Ranic, IMR, University of Belgrade, Serbia, and Michal Demes (video bridge), FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (REU), Budapest, Hungary, The 6th Annual Meeting of the UNU/SCN Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe (NCDNCEE), 25-26 May 2011, Belgrade, Serbia
  • NCDN-CEE Website maintenance, development and status, Web promotion and dissemination in CEE region, oral presentation, Marija Ranic, The 5th Meeting of the UNU/SCN Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe (NCDNCEE), 11-12th November, 2009,Belgrade, Serbia
  • EURRECA Web Promotion in CEE Countries, poster presentation, Marija Ranic, Agnes Kadvan, Mirjana Gurinovic, Maria Glibetic and Romana Novakovic, Eurreca Week, 08-12 June, Barcelona, Spain
  • EURRECA activities in capacity development in nutrition: The results of EURRECA & UNU/SCN NCDCEE network collaboration, poster presentation, Mirjana Gurinovic, Maria Glibetic, Arne Oshaug, Romana Novakovic, Marija Ranic, Eurreca Week, 08-12 June, Barcelona, Spain
  • Introduction to Grey literature sources relevant for Nutrition Science and EURRECA, poster presentation, Romana Novakovic, Marija Ranic, Primoz Juznic, Mirjana Gurinovic, Maria Glibetic, Eurreca Week, 08-12 June,Barcelona, Spain
  • Grey literature in research and its relevance to BaSeFOOD project, oral presentation, Marija Ranic, Romana Novakovic, Mirjana Pavlovic Maria Glibetic, Kick-off Meeting, BaSeFood project, June 1-3, 2009, Istanbul,Turkey
  • UNU/SCN Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition in CEE website maintenance, development and status, 4th Meeting of the UNU/SCN Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe (NCDNCEE),oral presentation, Marija Ranic, Belgrade, 10-12 November 2008


M13 Monografska studija/poglavlje u knjizi (M13 – 7 poena)
  1. Knez, M., Ranic, M., Stangoulis, J. C. R., & Glibetic, M. (2022). The Mineral Intake and Microbiota. In Reference Module in Food Science. Elsevier. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-819265-8.00032-2
  2. Macháčková, M., Roe, M., Ranic, M., & Finglas, P. (2020). Chapter 3 Supporting the European Food Industry to Meet Nutrient Labelling Regulations. In Health Claims and Food Labelling (pp. 28–62). The Royal Society of Chemistry. https://doi.org/10.1039/9781788013031-00028
  3. Marija Ranić, Aleksandra Konić-Ristić, Marija Glibetić, Suzana Dimitrijević Branković. (2016) The Re-use Potential of Espresso Spent Coffee Grounds: Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Polyphenols by use of Response Surface Methodology and their Effects on Platelet Function – Pilot Study, Coffee: Production, Consumption and Health Benefits, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., vol. , no. , pp. 97 – 114, issn: 978-1-63484-714-8.
Rad u međunarodnom časopisu izuzetnih vrednosti (M21a – 10 poena)
  • Gurinovic, M., Milesevic, J., Zekovic, M., Kadvan, A., Ranic, M., & Glibetic, M. (2020). Capacity development in food and nutrition in central and Eastern Europe: A decade of achievements. Food Policy, 96, 101850. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2020.101850
  • Gurinovic M., Milesevic J., Novakovic R., Kadvan A., Djekic-Ivankovic M., Satalic Z., Korosec M., Spiroski I., Ranic M., Dupouy E., A., Finglas P. Glibetic M. (2015). Improving nutrition surveillance and public health research in Central and Eastern/Balkan countries using Balkan Food Platform and dietary tools,  Food Chemistry (2016), pp. 173-180, DOI information: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.03.103
Rad u vrhunskom međunarodnom časopisu (M21 -8 poena)
  • Ranić, M., Konić-Ristić, A., Takić, M., Glibetić, M., Pavlović, Z., Pavlović, M., & Dimitrijević-Branković, S. (2015). Nutrient profile of black coffee consumed in Serbia: Filling a gap in the food composition database. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 40(0), 61-69.
  • Gurinovic, M., Novakovic, R., Satalic, Z., Nikolic, M., Milesevic, J., Ranic, M., & Glibetic, M. (2014). Professional training in nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe: current status and opportunities for capacity development. Public Health Nutr, 1-6.
  • Ranic, M., Nikolic, M., Pavlovic, M., Buntic, A., Siler-Marinkovic, S., & Dimitrijevic-Brankovic, S. (2014). Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of natural antioxidants from spent espresso coffee grounds by response surface methodology. Journal of Cleaner Production, 80(0), 69-79.
  • Gurinović, M., Witthöft, C. M., Tepšić, J., Ranić, M., Hulshof, P. J. M., Hollman, P. C., Porubska, J., Gohar, A., Debeljak-Martačić, J., Petrović-Oggiano, G., Novaković, R., Glibetić, M., & Oshaug, A. (2010). Capacity development in food composition database management and nutritional research and education in Central and Eastern European, Middle Eastern and North African countries. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64, S134-S138.
  • Vucic, V., Glibetic, M., Novakovic, R., Ngo, J., Ristic-Medic, D., Tepsic, J., Ranic, M., Serra-Majem, L., & Gurinovic, M. (2009). Dietary assessment methods used for low-income populations in food consumption surveys: a literature review. Br J Nutr, 101 Suppl 2, S95-101.
Rad u međunarodnom časopisu (M23 -3 poena)
  • Tamara Popović, Borozan Sunčica, Marija Takić-Poštić, Milica Bokan, Slavica Ranković, Marija Ranić, de Luka Silvio, Fatty Acid Composition and Oxidative Stress Parameters in Plasma after Fish Oil Supplementation in Agingm Croatica Chemica Acta, Vol.87 No.3 Studeni 2014. DOI: 10.5562/cca2405
  • Cvetković, Z., Vučić, V., Cvetković, B., Karadžić, I., Ranić, M., & Glibetić, M. (2013). Distribution of plasma fatty acids is associated with response to chemotherapy in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients. Medical Oncology, 30(4), 1-7.
  • Popovic, T, Ranic, M., Bulajic, P., Milicevic, M., Arsic, A., Vucic, V., and Glibetic, M. Effects of fatty acids supplementation on plasma phospholipids fatty acids composition in patients in obstructive jaundice -a pilot study. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition (2009), 45:370-375 (2008, IF=0.586, 52/59)
  • Cvetkovic, Z., Cvetkovic, B., Petrovic, M., Ranic, M., Debeljak-Martacic, J., Vucic, V., Glibetic, M. Lipid profile as a prognostic factor in cancer patients, Journal of B.U.O.N., (2009), 14:501-506 (2009, IF= 0.600, 150/165)
  • Milovanovic, Lj., Popovic, I., Ranic, M., Saicic, S., Skala, D., Antonovic, D. Total lipids of the intramuscular tissue of fallow deer. Non-isothermal, non-oxidative and oxidative TG, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, (2007), 89(3):927-934, (2007, IF=1.306, 45/70)
  • Ristić-Medić, D., Ristić, V., Tepšić, V., Ranić, M., Ristić, G., Vrbaški, S., Estelecki, I. Effect of soybean Leci-Vita product on serum lipids and fatty acid composition in patients with elevated serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Nutriton Research, (2003), 23:465-477 (2002, IF=0.791, 35/50)
Rad u časopisu međunarodnog značaja verifikovan posebnom odlukom (M24 -3 poena)
  • Milovanovic,Lj., Popovic, I., Saicic, S., Ranic, M., Skala,D., Antonovic, D. Thermal analysis of lipids isolated from different tissue of fallow deer (Cervus Dama dama L). Fleischwirtschaft International, (2007), 22(1): 38-44
  • Skala, D., Milovanović, Lj., Ranić, M., Katsikas, L., Bastić, M. The thermal analysis of lipids isolated from various tissues of deers and does (Cervus Dama dama L), Journal of Thermal Analysis, (1997), Vol.49: 869-877
Časopisi nacionalnog značaja- rad u časopisu nacionalnog značaja (M52 – 1.5 poen)
  • Korenman,Ja.I., Niftalijev,S.I., Bastić, M., MilovanovićLj., Ranić,M.: The extraction of chlorophenols-regulatives and application in analysis, Chemical Industry, 1995), 49 (6): 243-248
  • Bastić,M., Bastić,Lj., Milovanović,Lj., Ranić,M., Saičić,S., Tešanović,D.: Neke karakteristike lipida jelena lopatara (Cervus Dama dama L), Tehnologija mesa, (1995), 2-3:193-195
Časopisi nacionalnog značaja- rad u naučnom časopisu (M53 – 1 poen)
  • Ristić-Medić, D., Ranić, M., Tepšić, V., Ristić, G.: Antropometrijski parametri i lipidni status starih osoba u uzorku opšte populacije. Gerontologija, (2000), 1:65-71
  • Petrović, G., Ristić-Medić, D., Ristić, G., Ristić, V., Vrbaški, S., Ranić,M.: Karakteristike lipidnog statusa odraslih pacijenata. Hrana i ishrana, (2000), 41:33-39
Predavanje po pozivu sa medjunarodnog skupa štampano u izvodu (M32 – 1.5 poena)
  • Ranic, M. , Kurbanova, A.G., Sedik, D. Demes, M. FAO Regional Policy Consultation on High Food Prices for the Europe and Central Asia Region. World Nutrition Congress 2012, Rio de Janeiro, 27th – 30th April 2012, CD of Abstracts, No 17229
Saopštenje sa medjunarodnog skupa štampano u celini (M33 – 1 poen)
  • Bastić,M., Korenman,Ja.I., Milovanović,Lj., Ranić,M., Skala,D., Jermolayeva, T.N.: Extraction of phenol by binary mixtures of organic solvent, I Regional Symposium Chemistry and Environmental, Vrnjačka Banja, September 25-29, p.163-166, 1995.
Saopštenje sa medjunarodnog skupa štampano u izvodu (M34 – 0.5 poena)
  • Marija Ranić, Aleksandra Konić-Ristić,  Suzana Dimitrijević Branković and Maria Glibetić. Effects of polyphenol-rich black coffee extract on platelet function in vitro. 13th Congress of Nutrition, Belgrade, Serbia, 26’28 October 2016, Book of Abstracts pp.226-227.
  • Marija Ranić, Aleksandra Konić-Ristić, Maria Glibetić and Suzana Dimitrijević Branković. Effects of black spent coffee extracts on blood platelet function. CYPRUS 2016 4th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, 23-25 June 2016, Limassol, Cyprus
  • Marija Ranic, Milica Milutinovic, Aleksanda Konic Ristic; Suzana Dimitrijevic Brankovic. Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of natural antioxidants from spent black coffee grounds by response surface methodology, 12th European Nutrition Conference 2015, Ann Nutr Metab 2015; 67 (suppl 1), 547.
  • M. Ranic, M. Pavlovic, S.Siler-Marinkovic, S. Dimitrijevic Brankovic. A study on total polyphenols content in spent  coffee  extracts (black, espresso and filter coffee), 20th International Congress of Nutrition, Granada, Spain, September 15-20, 2013, Book of Abstracts pp. 1655-1656
  • Gurinovic, M., Glibetic, M., Oshaug, A., Dupouy, E., Novakovic, R., Ranic, M….Finglas, P. Capacity Development in Food and Nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe, CEFood 2012, Novi Sad, Serbia, 23-26 May 2012, 591-592 Book of Abstracts
  • Gurinovic, M., Glibetic, M., Oshaug, A., Dupouy, E., Novakovic, R., Ranic, M., Satalic, Z., Spiroski, I., Hadziomeragic, A., Finglas, P. RESULTS FROM CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCE IN NUTRITION IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE, World Nutrition Congress 2012, Rio de Janeiro, 27th – 30th April 2012, CD of Abstracts, No 17909
  • Marija Ranic, Suzana Dimitrijevic Brankovic, Aleksandra Arsic, Jasna Ivanovic, Milica Milutinovic, Slavica Siler-Marinkovic. Fatty acid profiles of supercritical extracts of commercial espresso coffee and spent coffee. 11th FENS European Nutrition Conference, Madrid, Spain, October 26th -29th, 2011, Book of abstracts .
  • Milutinovic, Milica, Siler – Marinkovic Slavica, Ranic, Marija, Dimitrijevic – Brankovic Suzana. Total polyphenols and antioxidative activity of water extracts of spent coffee. 11th FENS European Nutrition Conference, Madrid, Spain, October 26th-29th, 2011, Book of abstracts .
  • Marija Ranic, Marina Nikolic, Maria Glibetic, Jenny Plumb, Paul Finglas and Paul A Kroon. Comparison of commercially produced and hand-pressed citrus juice flavanone concentrations: A literature review of composition data. 5th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH2011), Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 17th – 20th October 2011, Book of abstracts P264, p.189
  • Ranic, M., Glibetic, M., Gurinovic, M., Black, L., Gry, J., Kroon, P., Finglas, P., Kiely, M., and Plumb, J.: Evaluation and inputting of Compositional data on Flavanones in Food Plants in EuroFIR BASIS Database, 3rd International EuroFIR Congress, Vienna, Austria, 8-10 September, Book of Abstracts, p.157, No 3_57, 2009
  • Ranic, M., Kadvan, A., Debeljek-Martacic, J., Glibetic, M., Pavlovic, M.: EuroFIR Web-promotion in West Balkan region, 3rd network Meeting and Associated Workshops, Prague, Czech Republic, 15-19 September, Book of Abstracts, p.41, 2008
  • Ristic-Medic, D., Tepsic, V., Ristic, V., Ranic, M., Ristic, G.: Fatty acid composition of erythrocytes phospholipids in obese normolipidemic and hyperlipidemic women, 1st Balkan Congress on Obesity, Athen, Greece, 6-9 February, Book of Abstracts O19, 2003
  • Ranić,M., Aranđelović, A., Ristić-Medić,D., Ristić,V., Estelecki, I.: D-Leci Vita effects on serum phospholipid fatty acid composition in hyperlipidemic diabetic patients. The 18th International Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, 20-25 October, Book of Abstract p. S289, 2002
  • Ranić, M., Ristić, V., Vrbaški, S., Peruničić, G., Plješa, S.:Erythrocyte phospholipids fatty acid composition in chronic hemodialysis patients. Euromedlab 2001, Prague, Czech Republic, 26 -31. May, Book of Abstract, PO17, , 2001
  • Saičić, S., Ranić, M., Milovanović, Lj., Skala, D., and Bastić: Investigation of thermal stability of the total lipids isolated from smoked Zlatibor bacon. World Chemistry Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 1-6 July, p. 455, 2001
  • Ristić-Medić,D., Ranić,M., Tepšić,V., Vrbaški,S., Estelecki,I.: Influence of soybean “Leci Vita” product on serum lipids and fatty acid composition in hyperlipidemic patients. Proceedings of Euro Food Chem X, Budapest, Hungary, 22-24 September, vol.2: 639, 1999
  • Ranić,M., Ristić,V., Tepšić,V., Vrbaški,I., Peruničić,G., Plješa,S.: Plasma Phospholipids Fatty Acid Composition in Chronic Hemodialysis patients. IFCC- World Lab, Firence, Italy, 6-11 June, Abstract Volume, p.273,1999
  • Ranić,M., Ristić, V.,Tepšić, V., Ristić, D. Influence of soybean lecithin on serum phospholipid fatty acid composition in hyperlipidemic patients. XIII International Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism, Florence, Italy, May 30 – June 3, Book of Abstract, p.35, 1998
  • Ranić M., Ristić,V., Vrbaški,I., Estelecki I., Ereg,D. Soybean “Leci Vita” fatty acid composition. International Symposium “Natural Product Analysis”, Würzburg, Germany, 29 September-1 October, Book of Abstract, P60, 1997
  • Bastić,M., Ranić,M., Korenman,Ja.I., Saičić,S., Remberg,G.: The smoke composition in muscles of fallow deer (Cervus Dama dama L). Russian-American Congress “Ecological Initiative ‘96”, Voronezh, Russia, September 22-28, p. 48-49, 1996.
  • Bastić,M., Ranić,M., Milovanović,LjKorenman, Ja.I.,Niftaliev,S.I: Phenols in fallow deer (Cervus Dama dama L) smoked product. Russian-American Congress “Ecological Initiative ‘96”, Voronezh, Russia, September 22-28, p. 38-39, 1996.
  • Korenman,Ja.I., Niftaliev,S.I., Bastić,M., Ranić,M., Milovanović,Lj. Determination of phenol toxicants in smoked meat. 35th IUPAC Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, August, Book of Abstract I, p. 21,1995.
  • Korenman, Ja.I., Niftaliev,S.I., Bastić,M., Ranić,M., Milovanović,Lj. Determination of phenols in the smoke meats by extractive chromatography.: International Symposium – Chromatography and Mass spectrometry in environmental analysis, Sankt Petersburg, Russia, October 3-5, Book of Abstract, p.86,1994.
  • Milovanovć,Lj., Ranić,M., Jermolajeva,T.N., Korenman,Ja.I. Bastić, M., i Skala, D. Sinergizam i antagonizam pri ekstrakciji fenola smešama rastvarača, X Konferencija o ekstrakciji Ufa, Rusija, novembar, str. 213-218, 1994.
  • Saičić,S., Ranić,M., Milovanović,Lj., Bastić,M., Skala,D.: Investigation of total lipids thermal stability isolated from smoked Zlatibor bacon. 40th ICOMST, The Hague, Holand, September, Proceedings S.VIA.13, 1994.
  • Saopštenje sa skupa nacionalnog značaja štampano u izvodu (M64 – 0.2 poena)
  • Vučić, V., Popović, T., Ranić, M., Arandjelović, A., Ristić-Medić, D., Debeljak-Martačić, J., Petrović-Oggiano, G., Bulajić, P., Miličić, M, Glibetić, M. Profil masnih kiselina fosfolipida seruma kod pacijenata sa hepatocelularnim karcinomom jetre – pilot studija. XLVII Kancerološka nedelja, Beograd, Srbija, 18.- 20. novembar, Zbornik sažetaka, 55 str., 2010.
  • Petrović,G., Ristić-Medić,D., Ristić,V., Ristić,G., Vrbaški,S., Aranđelović, A., Ranić,M., Estelecki, I.Lipidni status kod dijabetičnih pacijenata sa hiperlipidemijom posle šestomesečne terapijske primene LeciVITE-D I Jugoslovenski kongres o aterosklerozi sa međunarodnim učešćem, Beograd, Jugoslavija, Jun 14-16 , Zbornik sažetaka, p.343, 2001
  • Ranić,M., Ristić-Medić,D., Ristić,V., Tepšić,V., Ristić,G., Estelecki, I.: Uticaj Lecivite instant napitka koji sadrži sojin lecitin na profil masnih kiselina fosfolipida seruma kod pacijenata sa različitim tipovima hiperlipo-proteinemija. VII Jugoslovenski simpozijum o hiperlipoproteinemijama, 8.-10.Maj p.165., 2000
  • Kandić,D., Ristić-Medić,D., Kandić,L., Božanić,M., Ranić,M.: Essential and long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid status in serum phospholipid in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis. V Congress of Internal Medicine and I Congress of Clinical Pharmacology, Yugoslavia, Belgrade, October 17-21. , p.143, 1999
  • Tepšić,V., Ristić, D., Ranić,M., Ristić, V.: Experimental model of obesity – effect hiperenergetic diet on serum and heart lipids. V Congress of Internal Medicine and I Congress of Clinical Pharmacology, Yugoslavia, Belgrade, October 17-21. , p.199, 1999
  • Ristić, D., Tepšić,V, Ranić,M, Ristić, V.: Erythrocyte phospholipid fatty acid profile in obese patients – Pilot study. V Congress of Internal Medicine and I Congress of Clinical Pharmacology, Yugoslavia, Belgrade, October 17-21, p.198, 1999
  • Ristić, D., Ranić,M, Ristić,G., Tepšić,V., Ristić, G.N. Experimental model moderate alcohol intake: Effect hiperenergetic diet on serum and liver lipids. V Congress of Internal Medicine and I Congress of Clinical Pharmacology, Yugoslavia, Belgrade, October 17-21. , p.198, 1999
  • Bastić,M., Ranić,M., Stanković,M., Cakić,M., Nikolić,V., Milovanović,Lj., Žižović,I., Skala,D. Microcomponents determination in natural products. 100 godina Srpskog hemijskog društva, Beograd, Jugoslavija , 25.-26. septembar, Zbornik sažetaka PS 28, 1997
  • Tepšić,V., Ristić,V., Ristić,D., Petrović,G., Ranić,M., Pecelj-Gec, M. Uticaj hrane obogaćene margarinom na masnokiselinski sastav fosfolipida seruma i srca pacova. IX Jugoslovenski kongres o ishrani, Kotor, 16-19 oktobar. Zbornik sažetaka str. 72, 1996.
  • Ristić,D., Petrović,G., Tepšić,V., Ranić,M., Ristić-Mirić,G.: Uticaj dijete obogaćene mastima na sadržaj masnih kiselina fosfolipida seruma i jetre pacova pri unosu alkohola. IX Jugoslovenski kongres o ishrani, Kotor, 16-19 oktobar. Zbornik sažetaka str. 73, 1996.
  • Ranić,M., Bastić,M., Saičić,S., Skala,D., Milovanović,Lj.: Termičko ponašanje lipida izolovanih iz dimljene Zlatiborske slanine. IX Jugoslovenski kongres o ishrani, Kotor, 16-19 oktobar. Zbornik sažetaka str. 127, 1996.
  • Bastić,M., Saičić,S., Ranić,M.: Policiklični aromatični ugljovodonici u dimljenoj zlatiborskoj slanini. Savetovanje hemičara Srbije, Beograd, 1-3. juni, Knjiga abstrakta str. 68,OH-37, 1994.

In memoriam: Izjava Dr Marije Glibetić



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