Milica Zeković, PhD, Research Associate


Address for correspondence

Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Centre of Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism
Tadeuša Košćuška 1, 11 000 Belgrade
Tel: 011 3031997


  • 2013-2018: PhD
    Department of Social Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Legislation, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade (Serbia)
    PhD Thesis: “Validation of a questionnaire for folate dietary intake assessment and analysis of knowledge, attitudes and practice of pharmacy team members with regards to counseling women of reproductive age on adequate folate intake”
    Average grade: 9.92/10.00; 180 ECTS credits
  • 2013-2014: Master of Pharmacy, specialist in pharmaceutical management and marketing
    Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade (Serbia)
    Specialist thesis: “Adherence in community pharmacies: the pharmacists’ perspective”
    Average grade: 10.00/10.00; 60 ECTS credits
  • 2008-2013: Master of Pharmacy
    Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade (Serbia)
    Final degree/Master’s thesis: “Gold compounds: Chemical properties and application in pharmacy”
    Average grade: 9.76/10.00; 300 ECTS credits
  • 2004-2008 – Third Belgrade Gymnasium
  • 2002-2006 – Music school Josip Slavenski

Work experience

  • 2015- Present: Research associate
    Centre of Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism (CENM) , Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Belgrade (Serbia)

-Scientific work in the field of nutrition research including dietary intake data collection and analyses, assessment of nutrient adequacy and validation of dietary assessment tools,
-Participation in Serbian Food Composition Database development and management,
-Active involvement in development and application of Diet Assess& Plan, software based platform for standardized and harmonized food consumption collection, comprehensive dietary intake assessment and nutrition planning,
-PhD thesis in public health nutrition with focus on intake and status of folate in Serbian women of reproductive age

  • 2014-2015: Junior researcher
    Department for Immunology and Immunoparasitology, Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade (Serbia)

-Scientific work in the field of immunology and immunoparasitology studies with the focus on defining the particular components from Trichinella spiralis excretory-secretory products that are responsible for the modulation of immune response
-Active involvement in the performance of serological tests for diagnosis of autoimmune and parasitic diseases
-Participation in manufacturing in vitro diagnostic tools for serological diagnosis of autoimmune and parasitic diseases

  • 2013-2014: Intern
    Pharmacy chain ‘Farmanea’, Belgrade (Serbia)

-Dispensing prescription medicines to the public with provision of advice on safe and correct use
-Checking dosage and ensuring that medicines are correctly and safely supplied and labelled
-Keeping a register of controlled drugs for legal and stock control purposes
-Counselling the public on the treatment of minor ailments and advising patients of any adverse side-effects of medicines or potential interactions with other medicines/treatments
-Selling over-the-counter medicines
-Magistral preparation of medicinal products

  • 2013: Hospital pharmacy intern
    The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic Narodni Front, Belgrade (Serbia)

-Responsible for the dispensing and procurement of medicinal products and supplies used in the hospital
-Provision of advice on the dosage and the most appropriate form of medication and data on drug expenditure
-Working with other medical personnel to provide treatments and advice to patients, recording patient histories relating to medicinal use, and ensuring the safe and secure storage of all medicines and hospital supplies

National projects

▪ “Biological effects, nutritional intake and status of folate and polyunsaturated fatty acids: The improvement of nutrition in Serbia”; Ministry of Science, Education and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia; Project No: 41030

▪ “Mechanisms of the immune response to parasitic infection, or exposure to parasite antigens, and the concomitant modulation and/or prevention of unrelated diseases”; Ministry of Science, Education and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia”; Project No: 173047

International projects

▪ “Support to National Dietary Surveys in Compliance with the EU Menu methodology (sixth support) “The adults’ survey”, including subjects from 10 to 74 years old ” , 2017-2022; European Food Safety Authority – EFSA – Member of National Steering Committee
▪ “Support to National Dietary Surveys in Compliance with the EU Menu methodology (sixth support) “The children’s survey”, including subjects from three months up to 9 years old”, 2017-2022; European Food Safety Authority – EFSA – Member of National Steering Committee
▪ ODIN FP7 – “Food-based solutions for optimal vitamin D nutrition and health through the life cycle”, 2013-2017; European Union research and development funding programme, Project No: 613977
▪ BACCHUSS FP7 – “Beneficial effects of dietary bioactive peptides and polyphenols on CVD health in humans”, 2012-2016; European Union research and development funding programme, Project No: 312090
▪ Bilateral Scientific Collaboration: Scientific cooperation between Republic of Serbia and Slovenia, 2014-2015; Fatty acids profile and trans fatty acids content in traditional food in food composition databases for healthier dietary choices of population (TRADIFA)

Honours, awards and scholarships

▪ 2018 – VII Serbian Congress of Pharmacy with international participation (Creating the Future of Pharmacy Together): Best poster award
▪ 2018 – National Pharmacy Congress in Romania 2018 (The 21st Century Pharmacy – Between Smart Specialization and Social Responsibility): Award for scientific excellence
▪ 2013/2014 – Ministry of Science, Education and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia, Scholarship for exceptionally gifted students (academic year 2013/14), Group: scholarships for biological-medical science
▪ 2012- Dositeja, Fund for Young Talents of Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Youth and Sport; Scholarship for the best final-year undergraduate students of Serbia (academic year: 2012/13
▪ 2011, 2012 – Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Academic Excellence Award
▪ 2009-2012 – Ministry of Science, Education and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia, Student scholarship


▪ Workshop on Standardized Methodologies for creating Food Composition Database – cluster participating countries: Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and Kuwait (representing a regional analytical laboratory and other GCC countries),
Capacity Development Network in Nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe(CAPNUTRA) in collaboration with European Food Information Resource (EuroFIR) and Quadram Institute; October 18th-26th, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia / Member of Organizing Committee and lecturer
▪ Symposium on sustainable food systems for healthy diets in countries of Central and South Eastern Europe (CSEE) with integrated training on food consumption data collection and strengthening the thematic regional networking
Institute for Medical Research/ Capacity Development Network in Nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe(CAPNUTRA) in collaboration with Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, October 15th-17th, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia / Member of Organizing Committee
▪ Workshop: On the road to Innovation Union: European food legislation
FOODstars project: “The Innovative Food Product Development Cycle”, Institute for Food Technology in Novi Sad, Serbia (FINS) in collaboration with Agriculture and Food Development Authority of Ireland (TEAGASC) and University of Bologna, Italy (UNIBO); September 5th, 2018; Novi Sad, Serbia
▪ FENS Summer School: Translating scientific findings into nutritional recommendations
Federation of Nutrition Societies in collaboration with the Serbian Nutrition Society and the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, August 20th-24th ,2018; Belgrade, Serbia
▪ Men’s and Women’s Health: Biomarkers in Clinical Practice and Future Approaches
IV Serbian Biomarker Symposium (SERBIS), June 7th-8th, 2018; Belgrade, Serbia
▪ The Role of Diagnostics in Fertility, Pregnancy and Newborn Screening
III Serbian Biomarker Symposium (SERBIS), June 5th-6th, 2018; Belgrade, Serbia
▪ Health Outcomes & Social Pharmacy – Central & Eastern European Symposium
Accredited continuing medical education program (Dossier No. 153-02-3942/2017-01, B-21/18), March 23rd-24th, 2018; Belgrade, Serbia
▪ Workshop: IPR in food science
FOODstars project: “The Innovative Food Product Development Cycle”, Institute for Food Technology in Novi Sad, Serbia (FINS) in collaboration with Agriculture and Food Development Authority of Ireland (TEAGASC) and University of Bologna, Italy (UNIBO); December 11th-12th, 2017; Novi Sad, Serbia
▪ 14th International Postgraduate Course on the Production and Use of Food Composition Data in Nutrition
The Graduate School VLAG, in co-operation with the Division of Human Nutrition of Wageningen University; Scholarship grant awarded by the European Food Information Resource, EuroFIR AISBL; October 1st-6th, 2017; Wageningen, The Netherlands
▪ Capacity development in Dietary Intake Surveys: Harmonization with the EU Menu Methodology – Regional Training for Diet Assess & Plan Application and Implementation in West Balkan Countries,
Institute for Medical Research (Centre of Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism) and Capacity Development Network in Nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe(CAPNUTRA), September 11th-12th, 2017; Belgrade, Serbia / Member of Organizing Committee and lecturer
▪ Workshop: Green extraction techniques in food science
FOODstars project: “The Innovative Food Product Development Cycle”, Institute for Food Technology in Novi Sad, Serbia (FINS) in collaboration with Agriculture and Food Development Authority of Ireland (TEAGASC) and University of Bologna, Italy (UNIBO); March 27th-29th, 2017; Novi Sad, Serbia
▪ Biomarkers in diabetes: analytical and clinical perspectives
II Serbian Biomarker Symposium (SERBIS), February 23rd-24th, 2017; Belgrade, Serbia
▪ Workshop: Protective/preventive role of bioactive food components in human health
FOODstars project: “The Innovative Food Product Development Cycle”, Institute for Food Technology in Novi Sad, Serbia (FINS) in collaboration with Agriculture and Food Development Authority of Ireland (TEAGASC) and University of Bologna, Italy (UNIBO); December 13th-14th, 2016; Novi Sad, Serbia
▪ Contemporary Approaches to Multiple Sclerosis
64th Symposium of pharmaceutical association of Serbia; Accredited continuing medical education program (Dossier No. 153-02-2580/2015-01, B206/15), October 8th-11th,2016; Zlatibor, Serbia
▪ Legislation in Pharmacy and Patient Safety
64th Symposium of pharmaceutical association of Serbia; Accredited continuing medical education program (Dossier No. 153-02-2580/2015-01, B205/15), October 8th-11th,2016; Zlatibor, Serbia
▪ Writing in the Sciences
Stanford Online course, 8-week online course with final exam, Completed with distinction, August-September 2016
▪ Project planning and management
Career Guidance and Counseling Centre, Fund for Young Talents of the Republic of Serbia, September 2014
▪ 28th Annual Conference UASQ STC of Pharmacy – “Quality in Pharmacy – yesterday, today, forever”
United Association of Serbia for Quality in collaboration with EOQ – European Organization for Quality, June 4th-6th, 2014; Belgrade


Publications in international journals

▪ M21a
1. M. Gurinović, J. Milešević, A. Kadvan, M. Nikolić, M. Zeković, M. Djekić-Ivanković, E. Dupouy, P. Finglas, and M. Glibetić, “Development, features and applicationof Diet Assess&Plan (DAP) software in supporting public health nutrition research in Central Eastern European Countries (CEEC),” Food Chem., In press, Accepted Manuscript, doi.10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.09.114, 2016.

▪ M21
1. M. Zekovic, M. Djekic-Ivankovic, M. Nikolic, M. Gurinovic, D. Krajnovic, and M. Glibetic, “Validity of the Food Frequency Questionnaire Assessing the Folate Intake in Women of Reproductive Age Living in a Country without Food Fortification: Application of the Method of Triads,” Nutr. 2017, Vol. 9, Page 128, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 128, 2017.
2. M. Knez, M. Nikolic, M. Zekovic, J. C. Stangoulis, M. Gurinovic, and M. Glibetic, “The influence of food consumption and socio-economic factors on the relationship between zinc and iron intake and status in a healthy population,” Public Health Nutr., pp. 1–13, Jun. 2017.
3. Z. Pavlovic, I. Miletic, M. Zekovic, M. Nikolic, and M. Glibetic, “Impact of selenium addition to animal feeds on human selenium status in Serbia,” Nutrients, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1–7, 2018.

1. F. Faid, M. Nikolic, J. Milesevic, M. Zekovic, A. Kadvan, M. Gurinovic, and M. Glibetic, “Assessment of vitamin D intake among Libyan women – adaptation and validation of specific food frequency questionnaire,” Libyan J. Med., vol. 13, no. 1, p. 1502028, Jan. 2018.
2. N. Kardum, A. Konic Ristic, M. Zec, M. Kojadinovic, G. Petrovic-Oggiano, M. Zekovic, P. A. Kroon, and M. Glibetić, “Design, formulation and sensory evaluation of a polyphenol-rich food placebo: an example of aronia juice for food intervention studies,” Int. J. Food Sci. Nutr., pp. 1–8, Feb. 2017.

▪ M23
1. A. Pantovic, M. Zec, M. Zekovic, R. Obrenovic, S. Stankovic, and M. Glibetic, “Vitamin D Is Inversely Related to Obesity: Cross-Sectional Study in a Small Cohort of Serbian Adults,” J. Am. Coll. Nutr., pp. 1–10, Jan. 2019.
2. M. Zeković, D. Krajnović, M. Nikolić, T. Stojković, M. Gurinović, and M. Glibetić, “Periconceptional folic acid supplementation: knowledge, attitudes and counselling practice of Serbian pharmacists and pharmacy technicians,” Vojnosanit. Pregl., vol. Online fir, no. In press, p. DOI: 10.2298/VSP171226020Z, 2018.
3. A. Stojanovic, M. Zekovic, Z. Rasic-Milutinovic, D. Ristic-Medic, B. Pokimica, J. Debeljak-Martacic, and V. Vucic, “Dietary intake in newly diagnosed lung cancer patients,” Srp. Arh. Celok. Lek., In press, Accepted Manuscript, doi. 10.2298/SARH170301115S, 2017

Unclassified journal
1. M. Nikolić, J. Milešević, M. Zeković, M. Gurinović, and M. Glibetić, “The Development and Validation of Food Atlas for Portion Size Estimation in the Balkan Region,” Front. Nutr., vol. 5, p. 78, Sep. 2018.

Elsavier Food Chapters
1. M. Gurinović, M. Zeković, J. Milešević, M. Nikolić, and M. Glibetić, “Nutritional Assessment,” in Reference Module in Food Science, doi. 10.1016/B978-0-08-100596-5.21180-3,Elsavier Inc., 2017.

Publications in national journals

▪ M52
1. M. Zeković, D. Krajnović, V. Marinković, and L. Tasić, “The complexity of adherence issue: a review of its scope and determinants,” Acta Medica Median., vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 51–58, 2016.
2. M. Zeković, T. Stojković, A. Miloševic Georgiev, and D. Krajnović, “Reserch on presence of chosen risk factors for hypertension in medical students,” Prax. medica, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 13–19, 2015.

▪ M53
1. M. Zeković, V. Marinković, and L. Tasić, “ISO Standards In Health – Platform for Quality, Reliability and Safety,” Int. J. Adv. Qual., vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 1–7, 2014.

Conference proceedings

1. M. Zeković, D. Krajnović, T. Stojković, M. Gurinović, and M. Glibetić, “Factor annalysis of Questionnaire Evaluating Attitudes of Pharmacists and Pharmacy Tehnicians With Regards to Counselling Women of Reproductive Age on Adequate Folate Intake (A‐FOL‐PH),” in ARCHIVES OF PHARMACY – Special issue: VII Serbian Congress of Pharmacy with international participation Creating the future of pharmacy together Belgrade, October 10-14, 2018, 2018, p. 68:733-734.
2. M. Zeković, D. Krajnović, T. Stojković, M. Gurinović, and M. Glibetić, “Community Pharmacists’ and Pharmacy Technicians’ Knowledge of Folic Acid and Neural Tube Defects Prevention: Educational Intervention Efectiveness Evaluation,” in ARCHIVES OF PHARMACY – Special issue: VII Serbian Congress of Pharmacy with international participation Creating the future of pharmacy together Belgrade, October 10-14, 2018, 2018, p. 68:735-736.
3. T. Stojković, V. Marinković, M. Zeković, D. Krajnović, and L. Tasić, “Dispensing Errors in Community Pharmacies: A Serbian Perspective,” in ARCHIVES OF PHARMACY – Special issue: VII Serbian Congress of Pharmacy with international participation Creating the future of pharmacy together Belgrade, October 10-14, 2018, 2018, p. 68:757-758.
4. M. Zeković, D. Krajnović, M. Nikolić, T. Stojković, M. Gurinović, and M. Glibetić, “Counseling women of reproductive age on adequate folate intake – community pharmacists’ perspective,” in III Scientific Symposium “Health Outcomes & Social Pharmacy”, Central & Eastern European Symposium, Abstract Book, 2018, pp. 86–87.
5. T. Stojković, V. Marinković, M. Zeković, D. Krajnović, and L. Tasić, “Community pharmacists’ practice in reporting of dispensing errors in Serbia,” in III Scientific Symposium “Health Outcomes & Social Pharmacy”, Central & Eastern European Symposium, 2018, pp. 80–81.
6. H. Bridget, D. Maria-Carlota, M. Zeković, M. Nikolić, M. Jelena, A. Kadvan, O. Sherine, H. Dalia, and M. Glibetić, “Egyptian dietary habits and food group distribution – findings from a cross-sectional study,” in 12th International Food Data Conference, October 11th-13th, 2017, 2017, p. 113.
7. M. Gurinović, J. Milešević, A. Kadvan, M. Nikolić, M. Zeković, M. Djekić-Ivanković, E. Dupouy, P. Finglas, and M. Glibetić, “Harmonization of dietary intake assessment in Balkan region using Diet Assess & Plan (DAP) platform;,” IUNS 21st International Congress of Nutrition;Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, vol. 71, no. suppl.2. Buenos Aires, Argentina, p. 1094, 2017.
8. N. Kardum, V. Stevanovic, A. Jelenkovic, M. Zekovic, and M. Glibetic, “Aronia juice supplementation in half-marathon runners: can it actually affect the rate of platelet aggregation?,” in First Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia (CoMBoS), 20th-22nd September 2017, Belgrade, Serbia, 2017, p. 140.
9. N. Kardum, V. Stevanovic, A. Jelenkovic, M. Zekovic, F. Stojanovic, and M. Glibetic, “Aronia juice supplementation in half-marathon runners: can it acutely affect the rate of platelet aggregation?,” in 3rd Scientific Workshop of the Positive Cost Action: “Omics breakthroughs in the health effects of plant food bioactive”, 20th-21st September 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2017, p. 15.
10. A. Jelenkovic, V. Stevanovic, N. Kardum, M. Zekovic, and M. Glibetic, “Aronia juice supplementation and its acute effect on platelet activation markers in half-marathon runners,” in First Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia (CoMBoS), 20th-22nd September 2017, Belgrade, Serbia, 2017, p. 133.
11. M. Zeković, T. Stojković, M. Glibetić, L. Tasić, and D. Krajnović, “Periconceptional folic acid supplementation: knowledge and attitudes of pharmacy students,” in Nordic Social Pharmacy and Health Services Research Conference – “Designing safe and effective treatments in the era of real-world data”, June 7th-9th 2017, Kuopio, Finland, p. 32.
12. T. Stojković, V. Marinković, D. Krajnović, M. Zeković, and L. Tasić, “Dispensing errors in the outpatient setting: pharmacists’ perspective,” in Nordic Social Pharmacy and Health Services Research Conference – “Designing safe and effective treatments in the era of real-world data”, June 7th-9th 2017, Kuopio, Finland, p. 31.
13. M. Gurinović, M. Glibetić, A. Oshaug, F. Pepping, E. Dupouy, A. Kadvan, M. Ranić, J. Milešević, M. Zeković, M. Nikolić, and P. Finglas, “Capacity development in food, nutrition and public health research in Central and Eastern Europe/Balkan countries (CEE/BC) through regional and international research collaborations,” in Food Safety and Risk Analysis: Proceedings of the International conference, Sochi, 18-19 May 2017, pp. 97–100.
14. M. Gurinović, J. Milešević, A. Kadvan, M. Nikolić, M. Zeković, M. Djekić-Ivanković, E. Dupouy, P. Finglas, and M. Glibetić, “Diet Assess & Plan (DAP) software for dietary intake assessment in supporting public health nutrition research in Central Eastern European Countries (CEEC),” in Book of abstracts, 3rd International Congress Hidden Hunger, March 20-22, 2017, Stuttgart, Germany, p. 11
15. M. Zeković, M. Nikolić, M. Đekić-Ivanković, M. Gurinović, A. Kadvan, A. Jelenkovic, B. Pokimica, J. Debeljak-Martačić, and M. Glibetić, “Folate intake among Serbian women of reproductive age,” in Book of Abstracts / 13th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION, Food and Nutrition – A roadmap to better health, Belgrade, 26-28th October 2016, p. 155.
16. M. Nikolić, M. Zeković, M. Gurinović, A. Kadvan, G. Oggiano-Petrovic, and M. Glibetić, “Quality of carbohydrate intake among adults in Serbia,” in Book of Abstracts / 13th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION, Food and Nutrition – A roadmap to better health, Belgrade, 26-28th October 2016, p. 166.
17. B. Pokimica, J. Debeljak-Martačić, M. Zec, S. Ranković, T. Popović, G.-P. Oggiano, M. Zeković, B. Ravić, M. Tomić, and M. Glibetić, “Aronia Melanocarpa juice decreases plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and increases plasma phospholipid vaccenic acid in Wistar rats,” in Book of Abstracts / 13th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION, Food and Nutrition – A roadmap to better health, Belgrade, 26-28th October 2016, p. 271.
18. M. Gurinović, J. Milešević, A. Kadvan, M. Đekić-Ivanković, J. Debeljak-Martačić, M. Takić, M. Nikolić, M. Zeković, S. Ranković, P. M. Finglas, and M. Glibetić, “Establishment and advances in the online Serbian food and recipe data base harmonized with EuroFIRTM standards,” in Book of Abstracts / 13th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION, Food and Nutrition – A roadmap to better health, Belgrade, 26-28th October 2016, p. 58.
19. M. Knez, M. Nikolic, M. Zekovic, J. C. R. Stangoulis, M. Gurinovic, and M. Glibetic, “The Influence of food consumption and socio-economic factors on Zn and Fe intake and status in Serbia,” in Book of Abstracts / 13th CONGRESS OF NUTRITION, Food and Nutrition – A roadmap to better health, Belgrade, 26-28th October 2016, p. 169.
20. M. Zeković, D. Krajnović, V. Marinković, T. Stojković, and L. Tasić, “Аdherence in community Pharmacies: Pharmacits’ beliefs, attitudes and professional practice,” in Book of Abstracts / 6th Congress of Pharmacy with International Participation, October 13-16, 2016, Sandanski, Bulgaria, p. 50.
21. M. Zeković, D. Krajnović, V. Marinković, and L. Tasić, “Adherence in community pharmacies: the pharmacists’ perspective,” in Archives de l’Union Médicale Balkanique , Supplement I (2016) – La 34-ème Semaine Médicale Balkanique / The 34th Balkan Medical Week, 7-8 October 2016, Bucharest, Romania, 2016, p. A70.
22. T. Stojković, V. Marinković, D. Krajnović, M. Zeković, and L. Tasić, “Risk management of the medicines dispensing process in community pharmacy,” in Book of Abstracts / 6th Congress of Pharmacy with International Participation, October 13-16, 2016, Sandanski, Bulgaria, p. 49.
23. M. Gurinovic, A. Kadvan, M. Nikolic, J. Milesevic, M. Djekic-Ivankovic, M. Zekovic, P. Finglas, and M. Glibetic, “Innovative nutritional tool for dietary intake assessment and nutrition planning: diet assess & plan software,” Ann. Nutr. Metab., vol. 67, pp. 229–229, 2015.
24. A. Gruden–Movsesijan, N. Ilic, Z. Bojic–Trbojevic, D. Cujic, M. Zekovic, and L. Sofronic–Milosavljevic, “The presence of galectin–1–like molecules in Trichinella spiralis muscle larvae excretory–secretory antigens,” in Book of Abstracts,14th International Conference on Trichinellosis , Berlin, Germany, 14–18 September 2015, 2015, p. 35.
25. M. Zeković, D. Krajnović, V. Marinković, and L. Tasić, “Annalysis of the determinants of adherence and pharmacists’ attitudes in relation to achieving a high level of adherence in pharmacies,” in VI Serbian Congress of Pharmacy with international participation, Book of abstracts, 2014, pp. 318–9.
26. A. Milosevic Georgiev, J. Manojlovic, G. Bošković, V. Marinković, T. Stojković, M. Zeković, and J. Arsic, “Attitudes and Knowledge of Pharmacy Students Regarding Hepatitis B,” in VI Serbian Congress of Pharmacy with international participation, Book of abstracts, 2014.


▪ Pharmaceutical Association of Serbia
▪ Serbian Biochemical Society

Foreign languages

-English: C2, CAE-grade A, University of Cambridge ESOL Examination, 2008
-Spanish: DELE Intermedio, Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera, 2008

Dr Maria Glibetic




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