To Health through Nutritional Research and Education!


The Institute for Medical Research (IMR) is a research institute established in 1946 with goal to provide a unique interface between basic and clinical science.

The Centre of Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism (CENM) is part of IMR involved in fundamental and applied nutritional research in Serbia and the region of West Balkan countries.  The Centre is consist of food scientists,   nutritional researchers, medical doctors,  molecular biologists, pharmacists, biochemists, and bioinformatics all of whom are active in basic and applied nutritional research, most advanced country’s studies on nutrition, food, and human health. Our research focuses on determining the nutrient requirements necessary to promote well-being for children and adults. Our scientists examine how nutrition plays a role in the prevention of the major diseases affecting modern man today and conditions associated with healthy aging.

Basic and applied nutrition research

The Centre of Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism is dedicated to understanding why there are individual as well as epidemiological differences in nutrient requirements and metabolism. Using recent advances in nutritional science and molecular biology, the CENM is using the synergistic approaches between basic bio-medical sciences and clinical research and between clinical research and population health research with a common goal of better understanding the nutrient role and action underlying obesity, metabolic disorders like diabetes. Recently researchers are developing precise nutrition consulting services specifically for professional sportsmen and sportswomen.



Dr Maria Glibetic




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