CENM researchers participated in International congress on cardio nephrology and hypertension

Colleagues from the Group for nutritional biochemistry and dietology, Dr. Danijela Ristić-Medić and Marija Paunović participated in the 6th International Congress of Cardionephrology – KARNEF 2023 and the 1st International Symposium on Arterial Hypertension, which took place from 28 to 31 May 2023 in Pirot, Serbia.
Institute for medical research, University of Belgrade, National institute of Republic of Serbia, was a co-organizer of this congress. Dr. Danijela Ristić-Medić delivered an invited lecture during the session titled: “Novel therapeutics and nutritional aspects in cardiorenal patients”. Marija Paunović presented the results from their research in poster presentations.
Our colleagues made successful contacts with the ones from Serbia and the region, aiming to foster future collaborative research that enhances the prevention and improvement of cardiovascular and renal pathophysiology through nutrition.

Dr Maria Glibetic




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