Fifth Serbian Congress on Obesity

At the Fifth Serbian Congress on Obesity with International Participation – 5 SASOK, in Belgrade, from September 21 to 22, 2023, Dr. Danijela Ristić-Medić, Research professor from the group for nutritional biochemistry and dietology, gave a lecture on “Diet therapy in insulin resistance and diabetes” in the section of Small school of dietetics. The congress was extremely well attended, as a key platform for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and innovations in the area of obesity. This congress attracted leading experts and researchers to discuss and deal with the growing global epidemic of obesity as well as new therapeutic guidelines for obese people.

PRISMA program

The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia organized an official reception for scientists
whose projects were funded under the PRISMA program. We are pleased to announce that
our project AID, led by Dr. Vesna Vučić, received the highest score in the independent
evaluation by foreign reviewers and took first place in the Biomedical Sciences subprogram.
Over the next three years, the Nutritional Biochemistry and Dietology group will research
and develop treatment methods and recommendations to improve the quality of life of breast
cancer survivors. The realization of this project, worth about 280,000 euros, will allow the
improvement of the quality and level of our scientists, but also the realization of our dreams,
ambitions, and ideas. We are very excited and looking forward to the start of the project.

Dr Maria Glibetic




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