Dr. Jelena Milešević, senior research associate, had the privilege of presenting the new European project
ZERO HIDDEN HUNGER EU, at the One Health Day event at SAN in the branch in Novi Sad, November 1, 2024. which brought together international exhibitors, scientists who presented a wide range of topics in the field of human, animal and environmental health protection.

World Food Day 2024!

ZERO HIDDEN HUNGER EU: World Food Day Campaign: The importance of micronutrients!

  • Diverse faces of Hidden Hunger
    Key message:
    “Micronutrient deficiencies don’t discriminate. Up to 70% of Europeans across all walks of life may be at risk but the true prevalence is unknown. The Zero Hidden Hunger EU project is working to develop the evidence we need for policy makers to ensure everyone has access to the nutrients they need. On this World Food Day, visit our website to discover our fight against hidden hunger.”

    • It emphasizes the project’s inclusive approach and the widespread nature of the issue, appealing to all target audiences.
  • The Micronutrient Rainbow
    Key message:
    “Small nutrients, big impact. On this World Food Day, learn how essential micronutrients contribute to health and how Zero Hidden Hunger EU is working to provide evidence and develop solutions to make sure everyone gets enough.”
    Image: A vibrant rainbow arch made of various fruits and vegetables, each color representing different micronutrients.”
  • Inclusive nutrition for all
    Key message
    : “The Zero Hidden Hunger EU project is working to develop the evidence we need to develop policies to ensure that every European, regardless of background or circumstance, has access to the micronutrients they need. On this World Food Day, we celebrate diversity in both our communities and our diets.”
    Alternative: “On World Food Day, let’s ensure that every community has access to the vital nutrients they need for a healthy life. Zero Hidden Hunger EU is committed to leaving no one behind.”
    Image: A diverse group of people (representing different ages, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds) seated around a table, a table filled with a variety of healthy, culturally diverse foods.”

Fifth Serbian Congress on Obesity

At the Fifth Serbian Congress on Obesity with International Participation – 5 SASOK, in Belgrade, from September 21 to 22, 2023, Dr. Danijela Ristić-Medić, Research professor from the group for nutritional biochemistry and dietology, gave a lecture on “Diet therapy in insulin resistance and diabetes” in the section of Small school of dietetics. The congress was extremely well attended, as a key platform for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and innovations in the area of obesity. This congress attracted leading experts and researchers to discuss and deal with the growing global epidemic of obesity as well as new therapeutic guidelines for obese people.

PRISMA program

The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia organized an official reception for scientists
whose projects were funded under the PRISMA program. We are pleased to announce that
our project AID, led by Dr. Vesna Vučić, received the highest score in the independent
evaluation by foreign reviewers and took first place in the Biomedical Sciences subprogram.
Over the next three years, the Nutritional Biochemistry and Dietology group will research
and develop treatment methods and recommendations to improve the quality of life of breast
cancer survivors. The realization of this project, worth about 280,000 euros, will allow the
improvement of the quality and level of our scientists, but also the realization of our dreams,
ambitions, and ideas. We are very excited and looking forward to the start of the project.

Dr Vesna Vučić at Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

The ceremonial academy dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of SASA corresponding member Stefan Đelineo was held on June 21, in the SASA Ceremonial Hall, and Dr. Vesna Vučić, Principal Research Fellow of IMR and head of the Center of Research Excellence for Nutrition and Metabolism, held a lecture on the state-of-the-art nutrition research in Serbia.
Stefan Đelineo (Hvar, June 17, 1898 – Belgrade, October 1, 1971) was a famous physiologist and professor at Belgrade University. He was the founder and first director of the Institute for People’s Nutrition, and established basis for nutrition research in our country.

Conference of digital medicine „Future is Now”

In period of first half of June, 13.06.2023. Conference of digital medicine „Future is now“ has been held in Falcensteiner Hotel in Belgrade. The main topic was improving digital skils in medicine and for medical doctors. Attending Conference was very interesting and usuful, and we were updated for new trends in digitalizations, as well as we were introduced with main platform which should be finished till the end of the year. From our Group for Nutrition and metabolisam dr Tamara Popović, dr Gordana Oggiano and dr Jasmina Debeljak Martačić were attended the conference.

CENM researchers participated in International congress on cardio nephrology and hypertension

Colleagues from the Group for nutritional biochemistry and dietology, Dr. Danijela Ristić-Medić and Marija Paunović participated in the 6th International Congress of Cardionephrology – KARNEF 2023 and the 1st International Symposium on Arterial Hypertension, which took place from 28 to 31 May 2023 in Pirot, Serbia.
Institute for medical research, University of Belgrade, National institute of Republic of Serbia, was a co-organizer of this congress. Dr. Danijela Ristić-Medić delivered an invited lecture during the session titled: “Novel therapeutics and nutritional aspects in cardiorenal patients”. Marija Paunović presented the results from their research in poster presentations.
Our colleagues made successful contacts with the ones from Serbia and the region, aiming to foster future collaborative research that enhances the prevention and improvement of cardiovascular and renal pathophysiology through nutrition.

Short-Term Scientific Mission at University Hospital Olomouc and Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University of Czech Republic

Dr Aleksandra Arsić from the Group for Nutritional Biochemistry and Dietology, Centre of
Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism, was at University Hospital Olomouc and
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University, Czech Republic in March/April 2023.
During this short-term scientific mission, together with colleagues from the Department of
Clinical Biochemistry led by Prof. Dr. David Friedecky, Dr. Arsić conducted a study titled “
Lipidomic profiling of plasma in breast cancer women supplemented with fish oil and
evening primrose oil during chemotherapy and aromatase inhibitors therapy”. The realization
of this international cooperation was made possible thanks to the COST action EpiLipidNET,
which is dedicated to the creation of a pan-European network of researchers in the field of
lipidomics with the potential for long-term cooperation.

Short Term Scientific Mission at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Dr Snjezana Petrovic from the Group for Nutritional Biochemistry and Dietology, Centre of Research
Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism, was on a short term scientific mission at the Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki in March/April 2023. Together with the colleagues from the BIOMIC group
led by prof. Dr. Helen Gika, Dr. Petrovic conducted a study titled “Lipidomic Profiling in Dietary-
Induced Rat Model of Metabolic Syndrome: Effect of Polyphenol-Rich Juices Supplementation”. The
realization of this international collaboration was enabled by the STSM grant that Dr. Petrovic
received from the COST action EpiLipidNET dedicated to the creation of a pan-European network of
researchers in the field of lipidomic and lipid metabolites.

FENS Workshop Momentum 1,2,3

Dr. Danijela Ristić-Medić attended the Workshop meeting of the European Federation for Nutrition: “Improved Standards in Science on Nutrition“ in Wageningen, the Netherlands, in the period from April 17-19, 2023 as a member of the WG 1  “Concepts and methodologies”.

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Dr Maria Glibetic



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